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"Oh wow, how amazing! The milkshake is splendid!" Tsukasa states, while trying to process what just happened.

"Bill, that couple in the couple's area is sharing a straw together! I think that's quite romantic if you ask me," someone stated, loud enough that it catches the attention of everyone, including Tsukasa and Rui.

"Couple...? Couple's area...?" Both of the statements flash inside of their mind. "We're in the couple's area...? Looking like a couple deeply in love because we're sharing a milkshake...?"

They both tried to ignore the people and just continued enjoying their milkshake, still taking turns sipping it.

"Oh? I didn't realize how late it was getting. We should start heading back now, Rui. A star needs their rest." Tsukasa states, while looking at his watch.

Both of them stand up, and rush to the counter to pay for the goodies they ordered.

"Don't worry about paying, Tsukasa. I invited you to come, so I'll be paying, my gentleman." Rui assured him, with an innocent smile on his face.

"Shoot. Did I just call him my gentleman? God. I'm so stupid." Rui thought to himself, wishing that he could time-travel a second back.

"Well, well, well... You called him your gentleman. I don't know about you, but both of you guys are dating even if you aren't." the barista replies, walking in out of nowhere.

"Wait... he called me "my gentleman?" I'll pretend to ignore that, but it might stay in my head forever." Tsukasa thinks, being excited in secret.

Rui pays the barista, and he quickly rushes out of the cafe with Tsukasa, unknowingly holding his hand as he had accidentally gripped onto it from a "force of habit."

"Yo, yo wait..." the barista interrupts. "You guys were holding hands, and I may or may not have gotten that on camera."

They quickly let go of each other's hands while blushing.

"P-please delete that..." Tsukasa stuttered.

"Alright fine, I'll leave you two alone. Have a good evening! But I'm not deleting that image." the barista mumbles, before waving goodbye to them.

Both of them exit out of the building, still holding hands unknowingly. Then, Rui suggests that they go to the park for a nice little stroll, quickly letting go of his grip on Tsukasa's hand as he realized that he still held his hand. However, he didn't say a word about that incident.

"Race ya to the park!" Rui exclaimed.

Rui ran, wasting no time at all, while Tsukasa desperately tried to catch up from behind.

"Rui, you've gotta let me keep up with you. After all, I'm the 'greatest star'" Tsukasa said, panting like a dog.

"Hehe, well... just run faster, 'the greatest star.'" Rui teased Tsukasa, while Tsukasa desperately tried to keep up with Rui.

"Clearly, I'M TRYING MY BEST!" Tsukasa shouted, showing a sign of frustration in his voice.

"He's so cute when he's mad." Rui thinks to himself, almost getting lost in his thoughts somehow.

"Don't take it personally, Tsukasa. Some light teasing once in a while can never hurt." Rui commented, with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Alright, please let me catch up. Let's stop racing, Rui." Tsukasa pleaded.

"Fine, whatever you say, my gentleman." Rui replied, not double checking what he said.

"He called me that... AGAIN?" Tsukasa thinks, trying to piece everything "accidental" that happened today.

Finally, after a long stroll, they made it to the park. They decided to sit down, cherry blossoms sitting on the top of the bench they're sitting down on together. After that, they talked about how they wanted to hang out tomorrow again, as they found this fun. Minus the awkward incidents that happened between them.

"Rui, I genuinely found it fun to hang out with you." Tsukasa states, while hiding the fact that he was nervous.

"Honestly, me too." Rui replies. "Of course, minus the awkward incidents, but those were by accident... right?" He adds.

"Alright so, whaddya say we hang out tomorrow?" Tsukasa asks, trying to act confident.

"Of course! After practice?" Rui replies with excitement.

"Works for me!" Tsukasa states.

Rui gives Tsukasa a hug and a secret kiss on the cheek, then walks away.

"Did he just... hug me?" Tsukasa thinks, obviously blushing.

"Shoot! What the heck was I thinking? I even KISSED him..." Rui thought to himself, in embarrassment.

Both of them decide to head home, trying to forget about that last incident and decide to rest for the night.

rui x tsukasa: unexpected awkardnessWhere stories live. Discover now