Chapter 16

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Later that night, when they’re getting ready to settle into bed, Will wipes at his eyes in frustration for at least the third time in just as many minutes. He’s cried enough today—more than enough—and he refuses to cry again just because Mike said nothing about his birthday. He’s already made an agreement with his family to celebrate after he leaves, as he thought it would have been too much to have a party on the same day he flew in, but he thought Mike would have at least remembered. But he said nothing.

And completely unbidden, his mind is flooded with past birthday parties, surrounded by all of his friends and family, plus presents. D&D figurines, new pencils, Mike with the sketchbook Will would cherish for years clasped tight to his chest. When did he start to mean so little to all of them?

His sorrow must be palpable, because Boris sneaks up behind him and wraps his arms around his waist, chin resting on his shoulder.

“What is the matter, William?” he asks.

Will shakes his head, resisting.

“Talk to me,” he insists.

He makes a sad sound, almost like a whimper.

“I feel…forgotten,” Will says, and he finds that his words feel so very true.

“How do you mean?”

“I didn’t hear from anyone today,” he says, almost a whisper. “Mike didn’t even say anything at all. I mean, I know we agreed to do it all later, but I thought maybe something about today would be special.”

“I am…confused,” Boris confesses. He lifts his chin and uses his arms to rotate Will so that they’re facing each other.

“It’s my birthday,” Will admits. And one stray tear spills over. He’s quick to brush it away.

Boris makes noise of pure surprise.

“Why did you not tell me this?!” he exclaims

“I dunno, we never talked about it. I don’t know when your birthday is either.”

“It is in July. But that does not matter now. What matters is you. What a horrible day you have had. Why did you do nothing?”

“My family, we agreed to wait until Mike and Nancy left. Well, Nancy didn’t come, so just Mike, I guess. But, I thought I’d get a phone call from Hawkins. Or a letter. Or maybe Mike would say something. That was just wishful thinking though. I think…maybe they’ve all moved on, you know?”

Boris makes a soft, soothing sound.

“Who could move on from you?”

He plants a kiss to Will’s cheek. Then another, and another, until he’s showering Will’s face with kisses in a show of affection that has him giggling.

“Stop, that tickles,” he mock complains as he squirms.

“Nyet! Never! I’ll never stop!”

Then Boris swoops in and steals a kiss from his lips, making Will hum with satisfaction.

“Thank you,” he murmurs when they part.

“For what?”

“Making me feel better.”

“I haven’t even started yet, William. Come! We have a birthday to celebrate!” He says, giving Will a firm shake.

“What? Celebrate? Celebrate how? Come where?”

But Boris is already scurrying to put his shoes on.

“Put shoes on! Quick!”

“Where are we going?!” Will asks with wide eyes.

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