Chapter 22: No money? Let's steal! :))

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As the falcon soared across the sky, a loud bird wail could be heard. Two tiny boys are standing on top of the boat, while the falcon's sharp claws land on the snow hair boy's arm. As Killua accepted the provided paper, a little bundle was firmly wrapped around the falcon's leg. "This is it, it's the URL that my brother has sent," Killua spoke up, looking at his companion next to him.

"Great! Let's get started!" Gon grinned as the two looked at the destination ahead of them, the boat they were on slowly sailing as the breeze circled around them, welcoming them to their destination.

"Guys! Come down already," Netsu whined slightly as he called out for the two teenagers above him. "Geez...I would rather take a few more quiet naps..." His long, indigo hair was disheveled as he murmured to himself. He has been dyeing his black ebony hair indigo while wearing a modest disguise, and when he noticed that it had grown a little longer, he chose to tie it up rather than risk having messy hair. Additionally, he wears contact lenses that turn both of his eyes blue.

"Okay!" The two shouted at the sleepy figure below as they started climbing down and within a few seconds, they reached the surface of the boat with cheeky smiles on their face.

After landing on the shore, the trio quickly hit the internet cafe, Gon and Killua went to a free computer to find information about greed island using the hunter website while Netsu decided to use the other computer near them to look for any commission he could do to earn some more money and information.

"Oh, by the way, I transfer 10 million Jennies into your account since the price for the information is kind of high. Need anything else? I'm sitting a couple of seats away..." Netsu said, nudging both Gon and Killua before heading off to a seat. He really doesn't care about the full detailed information, he'll just listen to the summary that was provided by Gon and Killua later.

Opening the computer with a slightly tired yawn, Netsu put his hood back onto his head as he started typing into the keyboard, logging into his assassin account before clicking 'chat'.

"Free info, nice," Netsu grinned, thanks to his popularity in the assassin world and a little bit of hacking with his current skills. He was able to freely gain the information he needed easily, which is 'where the auction is'. "With this, I should be able to sneak in easily...oops-"

He means....He is definitely not planning to steal the game copy! Definitely not~

"Netsu-nii!" Gon shouted as both of the boys came up to the ravenette, a small satisfied look on their faces as they started retelling him about what they experienced and their small little plan of participating in the auction.

"I think you might need this," Netsu noted, taking something out of his pocket.

"Ah!" Gon exclaimed in surprise, nearly dropping the credit card as Netsu threw it at him.

"Be careful there, there's a billion jenny in there," Netsu warned, as Gon's hand started to shake. Before the poor boy could pass out, Netsu put the credit card inside the boy's pocket before closing the computer and standing back up from his seat.

"What are you? A sugar-daddy? Wait...that sounds weird," Killua muttered.

"Sugarbrothy then!" Gon shouted, oblivious to the meaning of the word.

"That's not even a word, idiot," Killua said, flicking a finger at Gon's forehead lightly. Crossing his arms, Killua let out a small huff as Gon pouted slightly both with a small smile on their face. I feel like I'm some kind of the third wheel. Netsu admitted before looking away...oh what a single dog he is.

"Whatever. Just don't do something stupid :)" Netsu smiled. "Or else...."

"...I do not trust that smile," Killua whispered, scooting backward with Gon beside him, both of them looking at their onii-chan warily.

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