shocking news

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"sua can you hand me the file that i've ask you to do just now" sua's workmate ask standing in front of her cubicle.

sua who just now sitting peacefully doing her job jumps a bit when her workmate ask her the file. she smile sheepishly while taking the file inside the drawer. "here you go" she pass.

"i don't know why, but this place is literally a friendly-free place, everyone in this building is focusing on their job a little bit too much. i'm getting goosebumps" hana complain while they're taking their break at the nearby cafe.

sua agree taking a sip on her tea to calm her mind after hours sitting and typing on the chair. "what can i do, i need the money to continue living" sua simply said.

hana aggressively slice her cake and eating it; showing that she is agreed with what her best friend said, she also needs the money to live her life to the fullest.

"but-ugh you're getting married with a rich man, do you still need to work?" hana curiously ask, sua stop eating her pasta, looking at her friend rather disbelief, "i will never resign from my job just because i will got married, i want my own money, the money that i earn by myself. i don't like the idea of man who's the one that needs to earn money while the woman should stay inside and doing all the house chores" sua nagged leaving hana mouth open wide.

few seconds later hana nods her head totally love the preach her friend spit. "you're right you're right"


"your marriage will be in two weeks" sua's mom pay her a visit after she return from work. sua who still in her work outfit almost spit all the water she'd been drinking on.

she wipe her mouth "what? i thought we had like three months more, to know each other?" her mom chuckle, "i would not let you getting 'to know each other' phase for too long, taehyung might cut off the wedding" she look at her daughter. "i want things to happen fast, so i could put my mind in ease, after i married you off" she take a sip on her green tea.

sua couldn't believe her mom be doing all of this to her, like it was some kind of play in her eyes; that she enjoyed. and sua hates it, sua know her mother too well and this is just how she likes her plan to work. after her father death, sua's mother became heartless towards her, she likes to do things on her own without decide it with her daughter. she became ruthless.

sua knows too well that her mother grieve her father death longer than it should be, she couldn't accept the truth that her husband is now gone. sua also have been grieving over her father death, but she learn how to cope with it and she know damn well, that life goes on.

when she met taehyung's mother she got some crazy idea which is to marry her daughter with her friend son, and surprisingly her friend didn't oppose the idea instead over excited with the plan they both working on; indeed a play to them.

"you know what, you do whatever you want. it's not like i have choices in here and i know you wouldn't like it if i give you my opinion towards this crazy plan" sua angrily said, she had enough of her mom bullshits, she follow it like a goddamn doll.

her mom glare at her "yes, you definitely didn't have choices here, the only things you're allow to do so is accept" she argue back. sua already fuming, she really need some time alone.

her mom takes her purse and stand up "take care of yourself; i mean it you had to be the greatest at the wedding, i didn't want your face to look gloomy, make sure to pay visit at the skin care center" she comment and exit, leaving sua who in the verge of crying. she's tired with her mom plan, she didn't even like taehyung, plus she didn't want to get married at the moment. she still have something she wants to do; many of them, and her mom just crushed all of them in the blink of an eye.

while she is sitting quietly in her couch catching up her breathing after the argument she had with her mom, her phone started ringing makes her jumps in her sit.

she takes a look at the id 'taehyung' her eyes widen up a bit, they never call each other what could possibly be the reason behind this shocking call?

hesitate a bit but she decided to answer the call.

"what's taking you so long to answer the phone, don't tell me you already asleep it's barely 10pm"

sua scoff at his remark. "so what if i already asleep, it is a proper time to fall asleep don't you think so?" she fire back.

taehyung chuckle a bit at her sarcastic reply "alright you win, don't get mad" his coice somewhat soften.

"i'm not, just get to the point. what do you want?" sua ask while fidgeting with her fingers. "did you get the news that our wedding would be in two weeks?" now his voice turns serious no more a joking tone.

sua bury her face at her legs, sighing "yeah, my mom just told me right before you call me" she said sounded somewhat sad in taehyung's ear, but taehyung slide it off.

"oh, that's great then. by the way, my family wants to meet you officially. you know have a dinner together, at my parent's house" taehyung say it but there's a little bit hesitation in it; perhaps knowing how sua feels at the moment.

sua silent for a while after taehyung announcement, picking at her blouse she answer "sure, when is it?"

"this saturday, i'll pick you up at 6. you can dress whatever you like there's no theme at all" he explain. sua nodded her head, "okay, thanks"

and they ended up the call.

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