not so awkward dinner

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"honey, this is your son soon-to-be-wife, look at her so cuteeee" squealing while holding tight on sua wrist; that sua can feel it left bruise. who's been watching the television turn his head to his wife voice, taking in the girl that clearly shaking although she is standing with his son behind her, hands in pockets.

"hi, my name is han sua and i'm 24 years old nice to meet you" sua bow multiple times to, a little bit too much until had to stop her, taehyung who watch the scene happen in front of his eyes had to hold in his laugh. like why did sua bowed so much to his father?

"it's nice to meet you to sua, the pleasure are mine. i hope you'll be enjoying this dinner tonight" he welcome warmly, sua just gape at taehyung father who greets her warmly she'll thought she'd get bash or something. smile and taking sua arms to pull her to the kitchen. "i've prepare lots of foods tonight, please have as many as you want" she happily said. sua nodded her head aggressively after taking a peek at the foods;almost drooling from it.

"taehyung dear, can you give your brother a call, ask him his whereabouts" turn her body to her son who closely standing behind sua; almost looking like sua's shadow.

taehyung nodded and fish out his phone, and leave his mother alone with sua in the kitchen, sua feel the urge to grab taehyung's sweater but retreats to do so, don't leave me alone taehyung! she telepath.

but seems like it doesn't work as taehyung just leave like that. she turn to who had her eyes looking at sua directly, she can feels the tension, it's too obvious, "now, how about we sit here for a while and have a small talk" she suggested gesturing sua to sit across her.

sua nodded and taking her seat, the maid served them a warm tea, take a sip "so do you like my son?" she ask, taking sua aback with her question. "sure your son are very nice to me" she answer with a big smile, let out a big sigh; somewhat relieve with sua answer.

"thank god, finally i found the one for him. i didn't know i would hit the jackpot" she chuckle, sua reflect her actions too, chuckle softly. "no no i am very lucky to be with your son" sua wave her hand in denial, although in reality she doesn't know how her feelings towards her son.

"you're so kind and lovely" compliment her again, sua can burst out embarrassment now with lots of compliments and good words she'd got from

taehyung return "mom, seokjin-hyung said they'll be here in 5 minutes" nodded to it. taehyung grab sua arms "mom let me borrow her for 10 minutes okay?" he inform his mom who squealing on the chair.

he takes her to his room and lock the door, "are you alright, did my mom give you any funny questions?" he ask softly, sua shake her head "did i look awkward?" she timidly ask.

taehyung grab her shoulder to make her look at him eye to eye, "no, you look fine my parents already loves you. you don't have to worry about anything" he advise, taehyung admit that he might dislike it whenever sua having doubts about herself. sua look at his eyes, "okay, but i'm sorry in advance in case i do something funny or say something weird or act so badly, i'm sorry i'd never been to this kind of dinner so please understand" her head drop.

"and please don't tell my mom" she lastly added, taehyung look at her confusedly like why is she so afraid of her own mother? did something happen between them that he should know?

"what's wrong?" he ask, his voice lace with concern, sua turn her head sideways showing that she's not going to answer the question, taehyung was about to ask her one more time but there's knock on the door disturb both of them.

"taehyung-ah your brother arrived we should start our dinner" soft voice can be heard at the other side of the door. "we'll be right there mum" taehyung replied, sua who still in his grasp push him a bit making his arms fall back to his side.

"we should get going, it won't be nice making them wait for us" sua say and walking to the door, leaving taehyung alone in his room, and few seconds later he follow suits.

sua and taehyung seated next to each other while taehyung's older brother, kim seokjin and his wife seated across them with their parents sit at the end of the table.

so far their dinner was fine everyone keeping up with a simple conversation and seokjin will giving out some light jokes to make the dinner atmosphere feels light, and sua had to admit she kinda thankful for that it put her at ease, plus seokjin's wife also putting her effort in asking sua some simple questions. to sum it up the dinner were delightful. this dinner actually making sua having her throwback, with her family before.

after the dinner end taehyung are suppose to send sua back to her apartment, "the dinner was fun and the foods are so delicious" sua holds her hands speaking truthfully about how she felt to this dinner, taehyung standing quietly beside her, smile "you don't have to, it's my pleasure having you here today, i'm so happy to finally meet you" she touch sua's face with adorations.

sua eyes stinging, she really wants to cry so bad but she hold in, no no you can't cry in front of your mother-in-law, plus on your first meeting each other, hold yourself han sua she reminded herself. she grasp onto hands tighter, "no thank you very much to accept me in this family, it's my pleasure. i'm so happy tonight" she bow, just smile at her adoringly.

"let's go sua, or else my mum will keep you here forever" taehyung butt in, looking at the time it's getting late, seokjin and his wife decided to stay over so they bid their goodbye to them, since seokjin's children are not with them today they've got some free time for both of them.

taehyung open the passenger door for sua, she mutter a thank you and enter. taehyung sit at the driver sit and start the ignition on.

"how was the dinner?" he ask the same question his mum threw at her, sua glance at him and divert her gaze to the front. "it's really nice what i said to your mother was the truth, that's what i felt when i was having the dinner." she confess, taehyung nodded in acknowledgement, "that's good then, there's a high possibility that mum going to arrange another one" he chuckle stop at the red light.

sua chuckle too, "i don't mind actually, it's really nice having that kind of dinner sometimes, it's fun" she smile thinking back about the dinner it is very pleasing.

taehyung nodded his lips form a small smile, thankful that sua thought their dinner was eventful, "i let you know" he confirm, sua hum in knowledge.

+how yall doing with life? it took me long to update bcs i'd recently got a job myself and let me tell you its was exhausting, i couldn't find time to write, but what i can confirm the plot is already readied in my brain it just need to be type it out. sorry for the late update 😭😭 and thank you very much for reading this book ily 🫶🏻

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