13| welcome to temptation

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THERE WAS SOMETHING AWFULLY WRONG Juliette couldn't seem to figure out, although she had the inkling suspicion that it had been staring at her in the face.

     When Stiles left for the station to tell his father about Donovan, Juliette headed to his room to observe the conspiracy board. She marked Corey as dead on the board, a chill running down her spine as she did. She heard from the Sheriiff that he was found dead in the hospital, an open wound in his chest, most likely a stab by the Dread Doctors. Another chimera died in the school yesterday, as found by Malia.

     As far as Juliette knew, Hayden seemed to be the next one. When she drove past the animal clinic earlier today, she saw Hayden covered in mercury and being taken to the hospital by Liam and Scott's mother. Liam looked particularly distraught at the possibility of his first love dying. 

    She placed a red thread to Theo's picture, wondering where he could fit in with all of this. She knew he was the reason their circle fell apart, and he wanted to drive Scott and Stiles apart, but she has yet to figure out his motivation.

     Juliette peered down at her phone, contemplating calling Stiles when she saw a text from Lydia reading; Library. Now. She didn't think twice as she grabbed her car keys and headed to the school's library. The drive was long and full of her mind racing with possibilities of Theo's deception. She didn't take her intake of poison today, knowing she would need all her strength and consciousness after the epiphany they had yesterday.

     The school was as empty as expected on a weekend, and she couldn't think why Lydia would head there on an arbitrary afternoon. She assumed it had something to do with Parrish, as he locked himself up in the station after Lydia told him what he was.

     She walked into the vacant library, not seeing Lydia in sight. "Lydia?" She called out, raising her gaze to the second story above her. Nothing. "Are you there?"

     She circled around the library, only spotting a book titled Mythical Creatures placed on the otherwise empty table. She assumed Lydia put it here, and so she opened it to a random page, reading Super Moon as the title in big bold font.

     A sense of darkness overcame her when she realized she wasn't alone. At the corner of her eye, she could see the blurry shape of the Nogitsune, still in Stiles's form. "She's not here, you know." He drawled.

     No. Juliette closed her eyes shut and blindly slid her hand into her pocket for the poison. She didn't think the Nogitsune would show up so soon if she skipped a single day of the poison, but she assumed it was because she wasn't strong enough without the poison to block him out. Reluctantly, she swished her hand around in the pocket for the poison.

     It's not there.

     She opened her eyes, the shadow of the Nogitsune at the side of her vision as she searched her pockets more frantically. "Where is it?" She muttered with urgency as she checked her bag, throwing out her car keys and phone and turning it inside out.

     "Looking for this?"

     When she spun on her heel, she saw Theo stand by the library door, holding her short supply of poison between his two fingers. "Give it back, Theo." She said through clenched teeth.

      Theo sent her a daring look, remaining eye contact as he dropped it to the floor and broke it with the heel of his shoe. Juliette felt her chest ache at the sight, wincing desperately. "Come on, Juliette, don't act so surprised."

     At that point, she couldn't refrain herself from glancing towards the Nogitsune, surveying his smug expression for one instant before turning back to Theo before he could take notice. "I'm not." But she was surprised by the twinge deep in her chest as she said it. She looked at him bitterly, trying to pinpoint what his motivations were.

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