𝟑𝟏| 𝐄𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞

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One night, we were all gathered in my penthouse, discussing business matters, when Joss suddenly blurted out an idea. "Hey Anthea, I've been thinking. We should go to Europe."

My eyebrows raised in surprise. "Europe? What for?"

Joss grinned mischievously. "For a little vacation, of course. We've been working so hard lately, we deserve a break."

I couldn't help but laugh at his bold suggestion. "And where in Europe do you suggest we go?"

"Croatia," he replied confidently. "I heard they have some of the most beautiful beaches and mountains over there."

"It does sound appealing," Dong chimed in. "Plus, we could learn a thing or two about their underground market. It would be useful for our business."

Tyson and Aiden both nodded in agreement. I could see the excitement in all their eyes, except for Eros who remained silent as always. He was probably thinking about the logistics of our trip already.

I leaned back in my chair, considering their proposal. A vacation would definitely do us all some good, and I admit, I could use a break from all the constant stress of being a mafia leader's life.

"Alright, we'll go to Croatia," I declared.

"Yes!" Joss exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air.

"But we'll have to make sure everything is in place before we leave," I added, turning to Aiden. "I'll leave the preparations to you."

He nodded and began jotting down notes on his phone. "I'll make all the necessary arrangements. Just tell me when you want to leave."

"Two weeks from now," I replied. "That should give us enough time to wrap up any pending business deals and tie up any loose ends."

The excitement in the room was palpable as we discussed our plans for our trip. Joss had already started listing all the activities we could do once we were in Croatia, while Dong was researching the best places to stay and visit.

Eros, on the other hand, had taken out his laptop and was checking for any potential threats in the area. He was always the serious one, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I could always count on him to take care of our safety and security.

As for Tyson, he was already flexing his muscles, getting ready for any fights that may come our way. I rolled my eyes at his behavior, but deep down, I knew he would be a valuable asset if any trouble arises.

After finalizing all the details, we set off on our trip to Croatia.


I couldn't contain my excitement as I packed my bags.

I rarely had the chance to take a break.

As we made our way to the airport, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. No worries about my rival gangs or any mafia business. This was a much-needed break for all of us. We were finally going to let loose and have some fun.

At the airport, I could sense the excitement in the air as we boarded our flight to Croatia.

Upon arriving, we checked into our luxurious villa, complete with a private beach and a personal chef. I couldn't believe we were staying at such an extravagant place. But then again, money was never an issue for us.

"Wow, this place is amazing!" Joss exclaimed as he took in the sight of our villa.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction. "Glad you like it, boys. This is the perfect place for us to relax and have some fun," I said, looking around at my friends who were all grinning from ear to ear.

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