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My first story. If you don't wanna read this, that's fine.

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It was official.

All that time he spent in the Counter Force had finally made him lose his mind.
This... blue haired 'goddess' certainly exuded a divine presence, not on the level of actual gods like those in Greek in the past, they were extremely terrifying-but at the very least, her aura definitely held divinity in it.

The tanned man, with hair white as snow, was a Heroic Spirit-or Counter Guardian, that went by the name EMIYA.

"...Why am I here?"

"Hmm...well that's because you died, Emiya Shirou."

Stiffening, the archer looks at her with an analyzing gaze that's more closer to a glare.

"Hey! Calm down, geez-who would expect someone who went around helping others is actually someone quite rude?"

"Just get to the point already, 'Goddess.'"

Shock appears on her face, then a look of smugness appears.

"Well that's to be expected that my presence screams goddess! After all, I am the goddess Aqua of the Religious Order of Axis!"

There was only silence for a minute after that.

the goddess known as Aqua clears her throat and decides to get to the point.

"W-Well then! *cough**cough* the reason you're here, Emiya Shirou, is because you died from execution. However, you were used a scapegoat even though you have helped countless amounts of people in your lifetime. Wow, your life was actually pretty depressing."

How suspicious, she clearly knows what happened at the end of his life, yet not what happened after. Well it does make some sense, you don't check if that dead person you brought actually manages to be recorded into the Throne of Heroes.

"ANYWAYS! you have two choices, you can either go to that boring place known as heaven, or be transported to another world-"

EMIYA abruptly stands up, glaring at her with anger.

"...Heaven? Well I'm afraid to say I've already given up my afterlife. Afterall, I had made a contract with Alaya." He had signed away any sort of peaceful afterlife he could have had after death. After all, Alaya never lets its 'property' be taken or released, if ever.


She suddenly stops moving, taking a good look at archer, "That means your part of the Counter Force!"

He snorts, "Yes, I'm a Counter Guardian, those who clean up humanities mess—you already knew that though."

"Oh no Oh no Oh no!! OKAY LET'S SEE HERE..."

She frantically looks through...paperwork?

'Hmph, so even gods and goddesses can't avoid those dreadful things.'

"Alright lets see...pfft—this NEET actually died like that-NO WAIT! It's... THIS ONE!" she screams out as she holds this piece of paper like its her lifeline.

"Oh thank god... So Alaya shoved you off here for a vacation. Well you're probably competent enough, so here's the thing! I'm transporting you to another world where this demon king resides."

"Wait a moment-!"

"Good luck! *sigh* I really need a few hours to recover from this fiasco..."






A clear sky with the sun having its warm rays shine down. Truly, he shouldn't have become a hero of justice and instead, lazed around like Kiritsugu. Actually-maybe not, he'd go crazy from boredom and F̸͕̫̼̂͌̕u̴̝͖͖̻͒̓̅͐j̵̟͕̱̓̇̆͘ĩ̷̪͐-̸̛̙̑ñ̴̢̙͕̈́͛̋e̷̩̋̈e̶̝̼̞͘ would whine to him to make breakfast.

From what he had heard, Alaya decided to give him a vacation? That's quite strange for it to allow this. It's quite likely he's been sent here to take care of the demon king. (well yes but actually no, no tricks this time!)

He stands up from where he was sitting and looks around and see medieval buildings. People were bustling down the streets and children ran around playing.

How long had it been?

The time as a Counter Guardian had muddled his memories over time, existing beyond the boundaries of time had stretched his existence across many eras and places. He forgot so many things from the guilt and all those deaths+ he wrought in his mission.

However, his clash with Shirou Emiya had revitalized old memories he had thought gone. Even if over time his heart became that of steel and his ideals became more blurry and distorted-

It was not wrong.

That wish for those deaths to not be meaningless, to save all those within his view. That ideal still held beauty in it.

"Don't worry Tohsaka, I'll try my best from now on."

Besides, he promised that he'll try his best.

So like those old days where he wandered from place to place, he walked onward like he had always done when he was alive.

Besides, from what he has seen and heard, a demon king in a fantasy land? Sounds like a typical plot of an RPG game.




Admittedly, it had been a long time since he had to actually gather information from locals.

As a Servant, he usually scouted for enemy servants, or they came over to fight instead. And as a Counter Guardian, as unpleasant as it is, Alaya always fills in the required information about the threat he's faces, allowing him to usually finish the mission quickly and efficiently.

It took him awhile to ask around the local area about some topics, such as the Demon King. Such a seemingly terrifying being...hasn't really done anything over the years.

Quite suspicious, but that's low priority right now.

This place was in the frontiers known as 'Axel', pretty much your standard beginner friendly area for newbies.

Deciding where he should now go, EMIYA walks towards to the Adventurer Guild.

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The beginning of the story is quite messy, Hopefully this will get a little better in the future. No promises though. :)

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