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Sometimes Haruto thought that maybe he and Jeongwoo could be friends maybe even more than that. What if they were though?

"Wake up woo," Haruto said to a sleeping Jeongwoo
"Whyyy" jeongwoo whined to Haruto while putting his head on Haruto's chest.
"It's 10 and I want breakfast" Haruto replied looking at Jeongwoo who was staring at him.
"Fine," Jeongwoo said. "Wait I'm getting a call"
"Hello, mom," jeongwoo said answering the phone. "Yes I slept fine but when will we get tickets to come to you guys, you know I can't stand him"
Haruto on the other hand started to chuckle and thought to himself. "They all think we hate each other"

"Ok bye mom" Jeongwoo had ended the phone call he got. "They said that we could only come back two weeks later, I guess it's our alone time."
"Yea, does that mean we have to hate each other" Haruto asked
"At least a bit," Jeongwoo said. "Let's go to a coffee shop then!"
They both then got ready and drove off to a coffee shop nearby to get a piece of chocolate cake and two cappuccinos. The one thing they didn't think about was their relationship and why you must have asked yourself. They have been dating since middle school but, Always felt like keeping it a secret and that's why they were so calm.

"Let's go bowling afterwards" Haruto explained and jeongwoo started to feel less scared not being with his parents.
They then paid and left the shop. Then headed to the car while holding hands.
"I like this, no one can see and I can finally say that we are in love," Haruto said smiling.
"I love you," Jeongwoo said.
"I love you too" Haruto replied.
They drove to the bowling arena and played a bit before getting fried chicken and heading back to the hotel.
"Hey woo," Haruto asked while they were on the bed.
"Hmm?" Jeongwoo replied.
"I wish we could tell everyone we are dating," Haruto said.
"Let's do it then, let's tell everyone after we get back," Jeongwoo said.
"I love you," Haruto said and leaned in for a small kiss before hugging Jeongwoo to sleep.
"I love you to ruto~ya," Jeongwoo said closing his eyes.


Yup, they were dating all along!! Dun DUn DUN! This had to do with another bl! Yes, I love adding bl crumbs and I hope you liked this chapter!
<3 BYEE <3

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