𝟑𝟐| 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜

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It's our second day in Croatia and the sun is shining brightly, promising us another perfect day in paradise. I smile as I look out at the clear blue waters and the stunning coastline.

As we gather around the breakfast table, planning our day, I can't help but feel a little anxious. Today, we had decided to go for a walk to explore the charming streets and historical buildings of the city. I wasn't sure if I would be able to keep up with them, but I didn't want to ruin their plans.

"Anthea, how are you feeling?" Tyson asks, concern evident in his voice.

"I'm feeling great, guys. Don't worry about me, I can keep up," I assure them with a smile.

"You better let us know if you feel tired or need a break. We don't want to push you too hard," Joss adds, giving me a reassuring pat on the back.

I nod, grateful for their thoughtfulness. As we make our way out of the hotel, I take a deep breath and tell myself to take it one step at a time.

The streets are bustling with people, and the smell of fresh seafood fills the air. Everyone seems to be in high spirits, and I can't help but smile as I see the joy on my friends' faces. Dong is telling us about the history of the city, and we all listen intently, soaking in the knowledge.

As we walk, I start to feel a little tired, my legs aching from the unexpected exercise. Seeing my discomfort, Aiden comes up to me.

"Hey, why don't we stop for a break? There's a café right around the corner, and I'm sure they have some great coffee," he suggests.

"That sounds perfect," I say, grateful for the chance to rest.

We find a table at the café, and I take a seat, stretching out my legs. The boys all order coffee and some snacks, and we chat and laugh, enjoying each other's company.

"Anthea, how's the baby doing? Can we feel a kick?" Joss asks excitedly, placing his hand on my belly.

I smile and nod, and the others join in, placing their hands on my baby bump. As I feel the little flutters of my baby moving.


I strolled around the quaint streets of Dubrovnik, something caught my eye - a souvenir shop.

"Let's check it out," I said, tugging at Joss' arm.

He hesitated for a moment before giving in, "Okay, but I hope they have English translations."

The smile on my face widened at the thought of seeing him try to communicate in Croatian.

We entered the shop, greeted by a friendly elderly woman who seemed to be the owner.

"Dobar dan," I said, using the Croatian word for good afternoon.

The woman's face lit up, and she responded, "dobar dan i vama. Kako vam mogu pomoć?"

[how can I help you?]

[Anthea is speaking Croatian with the old lady, but I am to lazy to write the translation]

I turned to Joss, who was looking around the shop in awe, "We are looking for some souvenirs to take back home."

Joss looked at the shelves filled with colorful keychains, magnets, and painted plates, "Wow, these are amazing. But I can't read anything."

"It's okay, I'll help you out," I assured him with a smile.

We spent the next few minutes browsing through the shop, admiring the intricate designs and trying to decide what to buy. Joss, being the indecisive one, was having a hard time choosing.

"How about this keychain with a Dubrovnik design?" I suggested, pointing to one of the shelves.

"That looks cool. But what does it say?" he asked, picking up the keychain.

I leaned closer to read the inscription in Croatian and translated for Joss, "It says 'the pearl of the Adriatic.'"

Joss raised an eyebrow, "What does that mean?"

"It's the nickname of the city of Dubrovnik, known for its beauty," I explained.

Joss nodded and added the keychain to our pile of purchases. As we made our way to the counter to pay, Joss pulled out his wallet and froze when he saw the currency.

"How much is this in dollars?" he asked, looking at me with a confused expression.

I did some quick calculations in my head, "It's around twenty dollars."

Joss looked at his wallet, "I don't have enough local currency. Can you lend me some?"

I chuckled, "Of course, Mr. I-have-a-credit-card-for-everything."

Joss rolled his eyes as I paid for our purchases. We thanked the woman and bid her goodbye.

We strolled through the cobblestone streets, we came across a beautiful view of the ocean. The water was crystal clear and the sun was setting, creating a stunning backdrop for photos.

"Guys, let's take some pictures here," Aiden suggested, pulling out his phone.

"Eros, you take one of me and Anthea," Joss said, handing his phone to Eros.

I chuckled as we posed for the photo, pretending to be models on a magazine cover.

"Okay Dong, your turn," Tyson said, taking the phone from Joss and handing it to Dong.

"Come on, Dong. Take a good one," Eros joked, elbowing him playfully.

"Okay, okay. Say cheese!" Dong said, snapping a photo of us mid-laugh.

We continue to take photos.

"Eros, you should really consider being a photographer. You take amazing photos," I complimented as Eros showed us the photos he had taken.

"I know right? I could totally be a famous travel photographer,' Eros joked, but I could see the genuine excitement in his eyes.

"Okay, my turn to take a picture," I announced, stepping into the frame and placing my hands gently over my growing baby bump.

"Dude, Anthea, you look amazing!" Tyson exclaimed, snapping away with his camera.

"Thanks, Tyson. Being pregnant has its ups and downs, but moments like this make it all worth it," I replied, smiling at my friends.

"We wouldn't have it any other way," Aiden chimed in, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

We continued walking and taking photos, having a great time together. As the sun started to set completely, we decided to head back to our hotel. Walking back, Joss put his arm around me.

As we reached our hotel, we went to our rooms to get ready for dinner. But as I was scrolling through the photos we had taken.

"I can't believe how fast today went by," Joss says, sighing wistfully.

"Yeah, but it was an amazing day. I'm so glad we got to experience it together," I reply, feeling content and happy.

"You know, we should do this every year. A reunion trip, just the six of us," Eros suggests, and we all nod in agreement.

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