An early start

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Hey guys! I'm back and it hasn't even been a full month 😂.  Anyways, this is one of my shorter chapters, but I think it's still pretty cute and I hope you all like it too. Just had this cheeky, fun little idea.  As always won't keep you too long. Enjoy ;).

Clarkes POV:

The next day I was woken up from my Lexa filled bliss at dawn, by a young goufa (child), with hair, white as snow, one blue and one brown eye.

"Pardon me Heda.." She murmured between the little crack, in the big door she had just opened.

Though I had very little view of her figure through the door, I could tell she was a pretty small girl, shy and meek by her tone. So, even though I would normally be pretty agitated at anyone except for Lexa waking me up, I put on my sweetest, least intimidating voice possible.

"It's okay. Come in ai goufa"-C

She smiled a polite smile, and came in with a tray of sliced meat, berries, and a drink in a ceramic cup, I was unfamiliar with.  As she set the tray gently on the end of my bed, she informed me of which of my guests were awake and which ones weren't. To no surprise Octavia, Indra, Niylah, Roan, and Gaia were among the few awake (along with all the gaurds, cooks, and other tower staff), while Becca's Lab kru were all fast asleep in their chambers.

"Would you mind getting some gaurds to wake the others....?", I paused at the end of the sentence, as I had just realized I didn't know her name...

Sensing this, she quickly filled in the gap..."Zarina, Heda... Zarina kom Azgeda, and I will get them straight away!" she said turning toward the door


She turned again "Is anything the matter Heda?" she said worried, taking a few quaint steps toward me

"No" I said laughing to myself, wondering how she could have ever though she did something wrong, "It's just I haven't properly introduced myself , I'm Heda Clarke. But when we're not around other people you can just call me Clarke okay!" I said in a playful tone.

For a moment I saw a smile graze her worried expression, but as soon as it came, it was gone, only to be replaced with another..."I couldn't Heda" she said looking down sadly
"It's not appropriate... and besides I'm a frikdreina" she whispered under her breath.

"You know something Zarina?" -C

She took a couple steps closer..."Sha Heda?" -Z

I took one of her hands, and leaned down to meet her unique gaze..."I have a good friend named Emori, she is actually staying here. When she was younger, she was labeled as a 'frikdreina' too... but I don't see her that way, none of our friends do, and you shouldn't see yourself that way either." -C

"Thank you he-".. I gave her a look "-Clarke" she said with a proper smile

"One more thing before you go?..."-C


"What is that?" I asked shyly, pointing at the slightly thick, mysterious brown liquid in the cup

She looks at it and chuckles a bit to herself before answering, "That would be, what we call modi woda (mud water). Despite its unattractive name, it is actually a blend of revitalizing and energizing mushrooms of different varieties, dried, crushed into a powder, and mixed with water. Most people think it's okay, as far as mushroom water goes. One of the healers advised the chefs that it should be on your plate this morning, I don't know exactly why, but it's probably to keep your energy up from all the stress that's been put on your body as of late"-Z

"Thank you for that explanation.." I said smiling sincerely, "you had me at energizing"-C

She smiled brightly at my joke, and it made me happy that I had been able to make her comfortable with me in such a short amount of time.

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