Chapter 1

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You couldn't breathe.

It was like all the air had been squeezed out ofyour lungs into the crowded space in front of you.

You could hear your heart pounding in your head,your fingers were clenching yet found nothing to hold onto.

There she was.

Even though you couldn't see her face, you knew itwas her.

It was almost as if your heart knew, your heartwas pulling you towards the one thing that made it beat. Magnetsbeing drawn together.

It's true what they say, time really does standstill when you see the love of your life.

Wait wasn't that a quote from...

It didn't matter because time came speeding backwhen you remember what you did.

The twinkly lights, the Christmas countdown, thenoise of children laughing and the smell of mulled wine.

You take a huge gulp of oxygen, almost like youhadn't been breathing for the past five minutes. Well to tell thetruth you don't think you was, but the scientist in you knows thatwasn't true.

When you glance back over to where your true lovewas, she was gone. Disappeared into the crowd.

"You okay Hols?" your sister says fromthe side of you, placing a hand on your back between your shoulderblades.

You don't answer immediately, trying to regainsome sense of time.

"Are you okay?" She asks you again.

You turn to face her sister and concern waswritten all over Rose's face.

"Sorry yeah...I...can we go?"

Concern turns to confusion, and you know yoursister is going to be a little pissed at you.

The Toronto Christmas Market wasn't free to enterand you couldn't just use your ticket the next day either, at leastthe money was donated to local Charities.

It was also minus 20 degrees and the hand warmersyou had placed in your gloves a few hours ago were no longer kickingout heat.

But truth be told, you were on fire. It felt likeyou were suffocating and the layers upon layers of clothing you hadopted for before leaving your parent's house now seemed like theworst idea, it was all getting too much.

"Yeah we can go, I'll quickly go and grabthat chocolate for dad's present and I'll meet you at the car."

You can only nod and turn to head in the directionof the car park, pulling the zipper of your coat down to fear yourthroat and give yourself more room to breathe.

After 7 years (95 months, 2914 days, 69,959 hours,4,196,104 minutes, not that you had been counting or anything) sincethe last time you saw her, avoiding her whilst you visited yourparents twice a year, why did it have to be tonight.

You loved the Christmas Market, The DistilleryDistrict had always been your favourite area in Toronto, since beforethey had permanently moved to the city, there was something magicalabout the place.

Now it felt like the enemy, betraying you of allthe good times you had had there and coughing out the one person youweren't ready to face.

But it was also a stone's throw away from 15Division.

You were supposed to be over her by now andlook at you, still swooning over someone you don't even know anymore.You need to pull yourself together and make the most of thi...

With all the internal monologue you hadn't seenthe group of people in front of you until it was too late and youwere walking face first into someone's back.

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