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I laid on my bed talking to Lammy on the phone. As usual we were talking about crushes, gossip and what to do today. "Flaky did you hear about the new mall that opened up???" I heard they just got the La Dona collection!" Lammy was a huge fashionista and her favorite type of clothes were from designer stores or any clothes that sounded like it was from France. "No but I did hear that they have a new section for bakeries and stuff may-" Before I could finish Lammy interrupted me. "BORINNGGGG. Look Flaky I'm not trying too be rude or anything but you need new clothes and definitely a new style."

I was kind of offended but I could get why she was saying that. Most of the time I always wore a brown oversized wool sweater with black leggings, shorts or a skirt. "Anyways I'm gonna go shopping today at the mall wanna come?" I paused I was suppose too be working at the bakery today. Well I guess I could take a break today. "Oh well okay I guess I do need a break!" I heard Lammy gasp of happiness. "Yay! I'll invite Giggles and Petunia." "Wait you're inviting them?" I said "Yes our whole little girls group. Flaky is everything alright?" " Oh um yes of course everything is just FINE! I'll be ready at 3pm okay?" "Flaky wai-"

Before she could speak anymore I hanged up the phone. Giggles was gonna be there. I didn't want it to be awkward between us. Me and her aren't really friends at this moment but at least from my perspective, but I didn't want to disappoint Lammy so I started getting ready. "Flakes where you going?" Nutty said as he was stuffing his face with a chocolate bar. "Nutty what did I say about eating sweets from MY pantry I need it for the bakery."

Nutty leaned back in his chair and rolled his eyes. "Look I'm sorry mom as I was saying where are you going." "I'm going to hang out with my friends to the new mall that opened up." Nutty jumped out of his seat and walked over to me. "Please Flaky can I come?" "S-s-sorry Nutty It's a girl thing!" Nutty then got on his knees and started to beg even louder. "OH PLEASE FLAKY I'll stop eating all the food out of your pantry." I stood there and thought about it. "Well, that does sound like a good deal so sure."

After a few minutes of getting ready we heard the doorbell rang. "Coming!" I said as ran downstairs. I opened the door with Nutty standing right behind me. "Hello guys!" Nutty waved behind me. "Hi Nutty!" Giggles said pushing me out the way to hug him. I scoffed while side eyeing her. "Long time no see!" She said after finally releasing poor Nutty out of her tight grasp. Nutty nodded backing away from her a bit.

After minutes of chatting and sharing gossip about the locals, we finally walked off of the house porch and started to head down town. "Oh wait I remember you having a boyfriend right?" Giggles said as she walked in front of Nutty stopping him and us in our tracks. "What's his name Sniffy- wait wait no um Sam-" "It's sniffles." Nutty said sounding annoyed and exhausted which was really out of character for an enthusiastic guy like him Giggles then smiled. "Well Nutty I remember you always used to hang out with Flaky, the whole town thought you had a crush on her. I just want to know to be clear, did you used to have a crush on her?"

I tried to walk faster not wanting to didn't Giggles on that outrageous question to add any more awkwardness then there already is. "No me and her were always just friends and I'm gay which means I like boys. I've been this way for as long as I can remember, Bubblegum." I was more than relieved to have Nutty answer the question and finally put Giggles in her place.

"Really that's nice." Giggles said sounding annoyed. I couldn't tell if she was annoyed because of Nutty calling her "Bubblegum" or annoyed at the fact she failed to get some sort of gossip from him.

Petunia and Lammy walked closer up to me. "Hey Flaky is it me or is Giggles getting real personal with Nutty" Lammy said as she fixed her pickle toy's dangling head out of her purse. I nodded but Petunia butted in. "Well that's just how Giggles is, always making new friends." More like trying to make new gossip for the town I thought. After what felt like forever we finally go to the mall area. "Wow it's bigger than I thought! I wonder how many sweets are in there!" We walked down to the clothing store while we owed and awed at the architecture and many different statues. Happy tree town never really had a Mall. The towns people brought there goods from smaller businesses such as mine so it was a complete surprise seeing a big and crowded place like this.

Before we could find our way to the clothing section Giggle's stopped us in our tracks yet again. "Flaky, Lammy told me how you wanted to come here in the first place for new recipes for your bakery so I decided we should split up." Giggle said while twirling her hair.

"Well I-I-I really don't mind going shopping with-"Before I could finish I got interrupted.

"No Flaky it's okay really, I don't want to make you feel force to do anything just to make us happy! Besides I'm pretty sure your customers are going to get bored with the same menu every day." Petunia and Lammy nodded in agreement, I also nodded in defeat knowing majority rules. I looked at nutty trailing behind us then looked at Giggle re thinking what she said in mind head.

She told me she didn't want to force me to do something I don't wanna do but she's forcing me to go separate ways with them. I sighed knowing I couldn't fight back.

"We meet back here at 5:30? Okay?" We all agreed and headed our separate ways.

We were then divided into groups. As we walked Nutty turned to me "Flaky your pink haired friend kept me asking those weird personal questions, made me feel REALLY uncomfortable." Nutty said looking at me with a bit of concern. I looked at the ground trying to find an excuse to get me out of this topic. then at Nutty. "I'm sorry Nutty, I think Giggles wants to be friends with you. I mean she is the most popular and friendliest girl in town, making friends is basically her job." Nutty rolled his eyes and looked forward I did the same trying to ignore the awkward silence put between us. I'm hoping this day couldn't get any worse.

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