chapter 1

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(Harry's POV)

As I came back to Louis and I's hotel at 11:30 at night after hanging out with my friends, I walk in and immediately was confronted an angry Louis.

"Where have you been?", He asks crossing his arms.

"I was just out with friends", I shrug as I take off coat and boots.

"Really?", Louis scoff's as he nears me, "You were with Taylor again weren't you?", Louis asked upset.

"She's just a friend, Lou. I've told you before.", I whisper.

"Are you sure about that?", Louis asked as he rolls his eyes, sarcastically laughing.

"Y-yes, I'm sure.", I sighed, stuttering a little because I hate when Louis is mad like this, "You know I love you and you only, Lou.".

"For fucks sake, Harry," Louis sighed, "You're spending too much goddamn time with her," Louis annoyedly finished.

"What else am I supposed to do?", I say as i run my hand through my hair.

"You can spend time with Niall, Zayn, and Liam. Why is it always her?", Louis scoffs.

"Your always out with Eleanor!", I rolled my eyes.

"I have to be with her harry!", Louis laughed, amused.

"So I cant have a friend that's a girl?", I asked as I rubbed my watering eyes.

"I don't know, Harry!", Louis sighed.

"I like dick Louis, not pussy", I said as I got closer to him.

"Oh for fucks sake!", Louis says kind of enraged, "Are fucking sure about that?!", He finished.

I look at him.

"Is he serious?", I thought.

"I've been sure since I was 16 Louis!", I say, now yelling, "16!", I shake my head in disbelief.

"All I'm saying is," Louis sighs and says calmly," be aware as she might not be a good person to be around or have a good impact on you.", He finishes. I scoff, absolutely bewildered at what he's saying.

"I'm sleeping in a different room tonight," I say as I walk away from him in utter disbelief.

"Don't you fucking do this Harry!", Louis shouts, "Don't fucking ignore me!", he yells even louder.

"I'm not ignoring you," I say as tears slowly fall down my cheeks,"I'm just upset that you don't trust me," I finished.

"Harry I do trust you," Louis starts as he tries to calm himself, "What you need to understand is that I really don't want you to hang out with Taylor as much as you are," He says, taking a small breath before beginning again, "She doesn't give off good vibes, Boo bear, you know I'm always here as well and we both can hangout and do something we enjoy," He finished.

"Like not just sex, like a cuddle night and a movie?", I say as I go and sit in his lap.

"Yes like a cuddle night or a movie night," Louis says, laughing lightly as he kisses my cheek.

"And maybe we could take a bubble bath with candles?", I grin "Mhm I'd love that, baby," he says with fondness showing on his face. He then pecks my lips a few times and apologizes for getting mad.

"It's Ok, Loulou, it was kinda hot," I admit shyly.

"Harry," He says slowly, "all this trauma and you still thought I looked hot", he finished and smirked. I could feel my face heat up as my cheeks turned a hot shade of pink. I hid my face in his neck as he laughs fondly and plays with the hairs on the back of my neck. After a few minutes of silence, I speaks up with a question.

"Hey Lou?", I say.

"Yes, my love?" He said with a smile, making me blush.

"Can we get a cat?", I ask after I finish giggling. He looks little surprise but after a moment, he nods and smiles he says yes and tells me that we can go get one now. I jump up and down like a 5-year-old opening his presents on Christmas Day. Soon we both get our shoes and coats on, he grabs his keys and wallet and we go to the adoption house.


Louis pulled up into the parking lot, gets out, and opening the door for me. I'm so excited that I can't contain my energy so I immediately step out of the car and run into the adoption center. When we're in Louis, goes to sign us in while I look at all the kitties. There were two twin kitties that I fell in love with as soon as I laid my eyes on them. (Picture inserted below) I was finally able to convince Louis that I needed both of them to which he eventually agreed to. We walk out of the adoption center carrying two kittens.

 We walk out of the adoption center carrying two kittens

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When we get back home, I get them water, food, and put them in their beds. I tuck them in and GOSH they're so cute when they're sleeping. The real reason I got them was because they remind me of myself and Louis so much that I just had to get them. Louis and I ended up cuddling after. I had gotten some water and went to go brush my teeth and do my hair for bed. I got in bed and waited for Lou to come and get in bed. That night, everyone in the house had a cuddle buddy to keep them company.

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