chapter 1 house invasion

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You(janice)'re  sitting on your couch, enjoying episode 489578439754897 of Stranger Things in this hot florida weather once again. You left the front door open in a poor attempt to make the air flow through your house, as  the 3 separate fans around you just weren't enough. The heat eventually overwhelms you, and you decide to take drastic measures. You pause Netflix and stumble your sweaty ass over to your kitchen, opening your fridge and picking a popsicle out of your popsicle molds. They're watermelon themed, but you had made raspberry popsicles. At least the colors are appropriate.
You walk over to your couch again and resume your series, licking your popsicle to help lower your temperature. It's not really working. And, with the heat, it quickly starts to warm up and melt. Without the protection of being frozen, the sweet smell of the raspberry juice you used to make this popsicle spreads through the air and out every opening in the house, which at least is somewhat pleasant as it smells nice.
It wouldn't be pleasant for long, though, as you see a shadow pass by your window. You quickly turn to look at it, but it's already gone. Probably just a bird flying past the house or something right? Totally. It's fine.

While you continue to watch tv, a detail you had forgotten is becoming an issue. A foul beast has sniffed your sweet cold snack, and is entering your house from the back door, which you also left open for the sake of airflow. The creature silently sneaks inside, easily making its footsteps unnoticeable by simply being light as a feather. It sniffs the air and listens for activity in the house, and is guided by its nose to the living room where you're sitting licking your popsicle and the smell is strongest. 
It crouches and slowly sneaks towards you, and as it gets closer you can hear it breathing. As soon as you actually notice it, you turn around sharply and meet face to face with what you initially perceive as some blond guy who just broke into your house. Then in the same split second you recognize all the wrong things about him, like how big his irises and pupils are and how his upper and lower canines interlock and are visible despite him not necessarily baring his teeth.
You fall off the couch in a failed attempt to stand up, and drop your popsicle in the process. It lands on the seat, which may become a stain later on.  This creature crawls over the back of the couch and in your general direction, which makes you panic and drag yourself away on the floor. He gets one leg over the couch and places it on the seat, and despite the looseness of his, dress? you can see that his legs are anything but human-like.

He is now standing like an animal on your couch, and instead of continuing to approach you, he picks up the popsicle in his mouth and chews it up despite it being cold. He even chews the plastic part, but soon gives up on it as it is tasteless and too hard. He instead proceeds to lick the stain left by the popsicle, his tongue weirdly long and with spikes like that of a goose's tongue along its sides. Once he gets all the remaining juice out of your couch he goes over the back of your couch again helping himself with his arms, and leaves you be as if you weren't even there.

He is going into your kitchen now. 

He opens your fridge, looks through your things.. Raw meat, for today's dinner. Looks appetizing. He takes it, eats it on the spot with his head still in the fridge, straight out the bag. Your condiments, he sniffs them, cringes at the mustard and backs away from them. Eggs, he eats those whole like a snake. Now on to your freezer. There's the money. Or, the sweets. 

He opens it up, and takes out the whole thing of popsicles. He sits down on the floor cross legged, leaving the entire fridge open, and gets to work pulling the popsicles out of the molds. Holding them in the air wasn't working, so he sets them down on his lap, to which he audibly squeaked like an animal as this is a cold object directly on his thighs. He doesn't say anything, not planning to acknowledge his momentary lack of common sense. After a bit of leaving them there, he gets used to the coldness and leaves it there knowing it's hot as shit right now and he needs to cool down as much as anyone else. He pulls out a popsicle, eats the entire frozen part and puts it back. He repeats this until there's none left.
You're on your couch again now. Avoiding touching the spot he was licking before and watching, peeking over the back rest. You have no idea what is going on. This has to be an alternate, right? Too weird physically not to be. Not impossible, but still not right. Not a reflection of yourself by any means, or anyone you know. You couldn't put this into words if you had to explain it to anybody. It's unspeakable.

He closes the fridge after standing up again, standing decently straight for a creature with such a strange build. He looks through your cabinets now, sniffing. Not much seems to be getting his attention, until he suddenly makes a face, as if he has sensed something important. He almost desperately starts looking through every storage space in the kitchen, knocking shit over and to the floor here and there. After a few seconds of searching he turns to you sharply, which prompts you to hide from view behind the back rest instinctively. There's something he wants and he knows you have it.

Evil and Fucked Up Gariel X Reader (your name is janice) {mandela catalogue}Where stories live. Discover now