chapter 2 the whippening

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Gabriel quickly steps over to the couch and puts both hands on the backrest, looming over you as you cower in the cushions. Then, for the first time since he's shown up, He speaks.

"Where's the whipped cream. I know you have it."

"I-I don't know I don't-"

He leans down closer to you, intending to pressure you.

"Where is it. I smelled it, I know it's there."

You mumble again in an attempt to make an excuse to be left alone, but as you aren't doing what he wants, he makes you. He grabs you by the head(this is a self insert fic idk if you have hair you could be bald) and drags you over to the kitchen. Then he points at the upper cabinets, on the wall. 

"Where is it."

Afraid, despite this beast only being 5'2 standing straight, you reach into your cabinets and pick out your tall can of whipped cream, giving it to him with shaking hands. He takes it, pops he cap off with his clawed thumb and walks off right out of your house through your front door. You can hear him shooting whipped cream directly into his mouth outside, getting quieter as he walks away from your house. 

Too shaken to bother re-organizing your kitchen right now, you go back to the tv. You sit there, and look up at the flat screen mounted on the wall. It's playing static. That's not what flatscreens do..

Then, suddenly, a face shows up on the tv. A man, in black and white, on a white background. He looks at you blankly for a minute, then smiles, likely mocking your confusion. 

"Oh, don't mind that guy. He's old fashioned. He gets physical more easily than most of us. You plan on tidying that up now?"

You, with no power left in you to even get mad, get back up and walk back to the kitchen, dragging your feet all the way there to fix the mess this animal made in your house. You can hear the man in the tv chuckle at this, in genuine amusement. At least these alternates haven't killed you, you think.

(author note     if you want me to continue this or even just do one-shots pls tell me i am 100% willing plus i just kinda want to write more of this stupid beast)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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