Janet's Idea

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It was early morning in Manhattan, as the rising sun's rays beamed into the apartment of Jennifer Walters.

Jennifer had reverted into She Hulk as she did her morning workout consisting of push ups, sit ups and pulls ups with some weight lifting on the side. Suddenly a small object flew through an open window up to the muscle building She Hulk. Startled by what sounded like buzzing, she dropped down from the bar to investigate the tiny intrusion. To her pleasant surprise, the thing that had flown in was none other than her good friend Janet Van Dyne a.k.a. The Wasp.

She Hulk: Well if it isn't little Miss Van Dyne! A pleasure to see you visiting me so early.

Janet: The pleasure is all mine, Jennifer… or should I say She Hulk!

She Hulk: Okay, there's no need to bring attention to that. What brings you to my home so early in the day?

Janet: No special reason, just wanted to talk with a good friend.

She Hulk: Well I'd be happy to. Why don't we talk at the table at normal size?

Janet: Sure, of course we can.

Janet then reverted to normal size and walked over to the table with She Hulk. They sat across from one another and began conversing with one another. They mostly talked about very casual things like what mundane tasks they did and some crazy stories. After talking for some time, however, Janet brought up something very interesting.

Janet: So Jennifer, I thought of a pretty crazy idea last night.

She Hulk: Really? I wanna hear it.

Janet: Okay then. I was thinking that maybe I could shrink down and go inside your body.

She Hulk: Inside my body? To what extent are you implying?

Janet: Well I was thinking about going through your digestive system.

She Hulk: You mean you want to be eaten by me?

Janet: Yeah, I guess so. Would you be willing to let me do that?

She Hulk thought long and hard.

She Hulk: Ah, what the hell! Sure I'll let you ride through my digestive system, so long as you have the necessary resources to protect yourself from my body's mighty assets.

Janet: Of course I do, Jennifer, otherwise I wouldn't be asking you about it.

She Hulk: Just one question: why do you want to do this, Janet?

Janet: Well I've always been fascinated by the internals of the human body, especially the digestive system. I've always thought about what it would be like to be inside the human mouth, get pulled down the esophagus and hang around in the stomach. In other words, I wonder what it's like for my food when I eat.

She Hulk: You could always attach a tiny camera to your next meal, record it and see what images that brings up.

Janet: Yeah, but that wouldn't match experiencing it firsthand. Besides, I have the ability to shrink down, so why not do it for real?

She Hulk: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Janet: So when do you want to do it?

She Hulk: Let's do it during lunch, shall we?

Janet: Sure, I'll get my protection in the meantime.

She Hulk: Alright, see you later, Janet.

Janet: You too, Jennifer.

With that, Janet flew off to prepare for her trip inside She Hulk. Meanwhile, She Hulk plopped onto her couch to do some streaming binging.

She Hulk: Before we end this chapter, I think it's best that I give you readers a glimpse of my maw. Think of it as a little preview of what is to come. Just don't tell Janet about it.

The reader nodded in agreement (that is what you did, right?).

She Hulk opened her mouth wide for all who were reading to see, and it was a magnificent sight. Her jaws were lined with sparkling white teeth that reflected the sunlight with such beauty. A large, muscular red tongue lay at the bottom of the mouth, which led to a large, thick throat with a large, sagging uvula hanging from its center. The entire maw was covered in saliva, with small pools of it scattered across her tongue and strings hanging all around. It was gorgeous to say the least.

She Hulk: Aw, that's so sweet of you, GiantessFantasy75. I can always count on your lovely compliments of a girl's mouth.

Me: Why thank you, She Hulk. I really appreciate it, but can we please keep the fourth wall breaking to a minimum?

She Hulk: I'll do my best.

She Hulk then gave a wink to the audience before continuing her streaming binge.

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