The Sandwich

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A few hours had passed and it was now lunchtime. She Hulk was making herself a ham sandwich, as well as for Janet.

She Hulk: GiantessFantasy75, why a sandwich? That is the most cliche lunch item to be eaten in a vore story.

Me: Yeah, what's wrong with that? It works.

She Hulk: Yeah, I guess you're right. Promise though that you'll come up with a more original food choice in the next story you write.

Me: Alright, I will, now back to the story.

As She Hulk finished putting the sandwich together, Janet returned encased in a protective electromagnetic suit that would protect her from She Hulk's digestive juices.

She Hulk: You're back, Janet, and just in time.

Janet: Great, shall we get started?

She Hulk held the sandwich up to signal she was ready. On que, Janet shrank down and flew into the sandwich. She Hulk raised the sandwich to get a better look inside. She spotted Janet wedged deep in the sandwich.

She Hulk: Seems like it will take a few bites to get to her, which means there'll be more time to show off my mouth to you dear readers.

Janet: Are you gonna eat now, Jennifer?

She Hulk didn't say a word, instead she brought the sandwich up to her lips and opened her mouth to take her first bite. Janet got a clear view of her open maw as the sandwich was brought closer to be devoured. Heavy strings of saliva revealed themselves as the mouth opened, with lighter strings breaking from the expansion. Janet tried to move closer to get a better look inside, but she was stopped as She Hulk's mighty teeth came down on the sandwich before her to tear a huge chunk out. As She Hulk pulled back, she began noisily chewing the sandwich in exaggerated movements with her mouth open. Janet looked on as she watched the sandwich be visibly torn apart by the monstrous teeth and thrown around by her massive tongue. As this happened, the squishing and squashing of saliva mixing with the chewed food echoed out.

Once She Hulk was done chewing, she tilted her head back, exposing her neck to Janet, and swallowed the bolus with a loud "GULP!" Janet was hypnotized by the movements of She Hulk's neck as she swallowed. The muscles expanded and tightened as the bolus was pushed into the esophagus. She Hulk then lowered her head back down level with the sandwich. As a way of giving some flair to her eating, she opened her mouth as wide as she could and stuck her large tongue out with a cheeky "AAAAHHHH!" Janet could see the entirety of She Hulk's mouth, which was covered all around with tiny pieces of the sandwich. She Hulk used her tongue to scoop up the remaining pieces, gathering them up in the center, before swallowing them with her mouth open. She then stuck her tongue out with another "AAAAHHHH!"

Janet: Wow, that was amazing! I'm not even lesbian and I think that was so hot!

She Hulk: We all discover new things about ourselves every day.

She Hulk moved in for another bite, this time taking Janet with it. She made sure not to accidentally crush her with her teeth. The teeth came together a few inches behind Janet, who was greatly startled by it. She pulled the sandwich away to tear the chunk off.

She Hulk gave Janet a moment to get out of the sandwich before she started chewing. The tiny superhero fell onto the mighty tongue with a wet splat. As she tried to get up, she slipped and slid on the wet muscle in her spandex suit. Once she was able to steady herself on the tongue, Janet looked around in awe at She Hulk's mouth. Massive, glowing teeth lined the entire jawline, their whiteness visible in the mouth's low light. Ever shifting was a large, muscular tongue in the center and a looming throat in the back. Their movements emitted numerous wet sounds as saliva was squirted out of the damp flesh. As She Hulk breathed, hot, heavy air was exuded from her throat, washing over Janet. The tiny heroine felt her insides melt as she was bathed in the humid breath. It may have stunk, but the sensation was mesmerizing.

Being about 2 inches in height, the human mouth seemed massive to Janet. But with She Hulk being greater in size than the average human, her mouth seemed even larger than it would have. If the human tongue was like a large mattress to Janet, then She Hulk's tongue was like a football field. This titanic tongue suddenly moved beneath Janet, causing her to fall down onto the muscle again.

She Hulk used her tongue to move the sandwich onto her molars. Once it was between her teeth, she began to chew the sandwich up like she did before.

Janet was tossed around on She Hulk's tongue as she chewed the sandwich, the gooey sounds she made as she chewed and the heavy breathing echoing all around her. This, coupled with the slimy tongue she sat on, caused Janet's senses to be overloaded.

Janet: Oh my god, this is amazing!

She Hulk's tongue unexpectedly shifted upward, throwing Janet deeper into her mouth. Janet fell face first into She Hulk's tongue once more, her face drenched in gooey saliva. As she picked herself up, Janet looked to see the imposing throat a few inches in front of her. If she got any closer, She Hulk would instinctively swallow her down.

Janet: Not yet, Jennifer's not ready to swallow her mouthful yet.

But She Hulk would soon be ready to send Janet and the sandwich down to her stomach.

She Hulk: Indeed I will, and hopefully our dear writer will make it as vivid and exciting as possible.

She Hulk tilted her head back slightly and used her tongue to push the sandwich bolus towards the back of her throat. As she did this, Janet was taken along by the chewed food as it was guided into the dark gullet below.

Janet: Oh boy, this is it. Time to be squeezed down.

As Janet and the bolus were pushed over the edge of the tongue's back end and into the dark abyss below, the sagging uvula smacked her in the face, drenching her in saliva.

Janet: That was wonderfully gross.

The walls of She Hulk's throat pressed in towards each other to push Janet and the bolus into the narrow esophagus below. All that was needed was a push from her mighty tongue for She Hulk to swallow her meal with a loud, wet "GULP!" With her friend swallowed, She Hulk continued to eat her sandwich as Janet Van Dyne descended into the depths of her massive body.

She Hulk: Say, what's it like for Janet inside me?

Marvel Vore: A Snack's View of She HulkWhere stories live. Discover now