Inside the Green Goddess

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As She Hulk swallowed, Janet was almost crushed by the walls of her throat. Once the throat pushed her down, the tiny heroine expected the pressure to be released. Instead she was introduced to the tight, constricting esophagus, which pushed her down with powerful contractions.

The trip down was very uncomfortable for Janet, but it sure was fun pushing against the esophageal walls while covered in heavily chewed sandwich. She Hulk's heavy breathing and monstrous heartbeat echoed all around Janet and filled her ears with nonstop sound. Far below, the tiny heroine could hear the groans of a hungry stomach begging her to move faster.

Janet: Geez, Jennifer! You have an impatient stomach!

Janet playfully banged against the esophagus walls as she spoke.

She Hulk: Hey! I can't control how much my stomach whines for more food.

Me: Please don't speak with your mouth full.

She Hulk: Whatever you say, "boss".

She Hulk swallowed the food in her mouth, which promptly dropped down her throat and drenched Janet with more of the gooey substance.

Janet: This is disgusting… and I love it!

Janet relaxed and allowed the esophagus to take her down the rest of the way. Giving in to the dark tube's will, Janet found the esophagus' contractions to be quite soothing on her body. All the stress stored in her muscles seemed to just disappear with the touch of the wet walls.

Going through She Hulk's digestive system had been an absolute blast for Janet, better than she ever could have hoped for, and she hadn't even reached the green giant's stomach.

The esophagus' movements slowed to a crawl as Janet reached the sphincter of She Hulk's stomach. For a brief moment, she saw through the opening to see some of the stomach's green juices, before it quickly closed itself before her feet.

Janet: Oh come on! Why'd ya close on me? Open up and let me in, I'm sure Jennifer's stomach will be fantastic.

As if accepting Janet's pleas, the sphincter opened up again and the Wasp was pushed out into the acid sea below. She fell in with a solid splash, which She Hulk instinctively reacted to by clutching her stomach with her hand.

She Hulk: Wow! That actually felt pretty nice. I hope she likes it in there.

Inside She Hulk's stomach, everything remained relatively quiet, save for a few gurgles and groans. Suddenly, Janet erupted from the digestive juices, wiping the acid from her smiling face.

Janet: That was awesome!

Janet looked around the dark cavernous organ to find that it was just as amazing as the rest of She Hulk's digestive system. The stomach walls shifted up and down and side to side, folding in on itself and stretching out. This movement emitted squelch after squelch from the lining, as mighty groans echoed out every minute or two. A green sea of acid filled up most of the stomach floor, swishing about with the organ's movements. Scattered throughout the stomach were the chewed up remains of the sandwich, which were being tossed all around.

Janet was in complete awe, unable to find the words to describe She Hulk's stomach. Her train of thought was suddenly broken as the sphincter above opened up to allow the last of the chewed up sandwich to fall in with a thunderous splash.

Janet: Man, Jennifer is an efficient eater.

Suddenly, the entire chamber shook violently as She Hulk patted her stomach in satisfaction.

She Hulk: Ah, that was a delicious sandwich. Even better with tiny Janet in it.

This statement made Janet very flustered.

Janet: Oh Jennifer, you do know how to get a girl hot and bothered.

Janet then swam over to the shoreline of the stomach, where the chewed sandwich bits were starting to build up. She sat down on the bolus masses and took a much needed rest, taking in the sights and sounds of the stomach.

Janet: Ah, She Hulk's stomach is just as beautiful as I'd imagined it'd be. Now I can take it all in without worrying about pesky ole digestion.

On the outside, She Hulk had plopped her butt on the couch, satisfied with the feeling of the tiny Janet in her stomach. This resulted in the tiny heroine's surroundings shaking violently, as if an earthquake had just occurred, which she very much enjoyed.

She Hulk: I think we can all agree, that was a wonderful experience. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to enjoy the feeling of having a living being alive in my belly. And to think that you guys like this stuff? But who am I to judge?

Janet: Jennifer, thank you so much for doing this! This has been one of the most wonderful experiences of my entire life.

She Hulk: Don't mention it, anything for a good friend. I'm glad you're happy.

Janet: She Hulk or not, you've got a big heart Jennifer.

She Hulk: Anything I can do better next time?

Janet blushed a deep ruby red.

Janet: Definitely play with me more with your tongue. Maybe be more domineering.

She Hulk: I'll be sure to take that into account Janet. For now, enjoy your time in my belly and give the walls a knock when you're ready to come out.

Janet: Alright, I will.

With that, She Hulk took a much needed nap on her couch, while Janet took one of her own inside the green goddess.

She Hulk: *whispers* Title drop.

The End?

Me: You never know what She Hulk will do next?

She Hulk: Oh how right you are, dear author!

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