𝟑𝟒| 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭

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We decided to take a boat ride across Dubrovnik.

As we boarded the boat, I couldn't contain my excitement. "Can you believe we're actually here?" I exclaimed, looking out at the crystal blue waters.

Eros, who was standing next to me, had a wide grin on his face. "It's even more beautiful than I imagined," he said, gazing at the stunning view.

Joss, Dong, Aiden, and Tyson joined us on the deck, all of them just as amazed as I was. We laughed and joked as the boat began to move, our hair whipping in the wind.

As we sailed across the Adriatic Sea, we took turns sharing our favorite memories from our childhood. "Do you guys remember that time we tried to make our own video game?"Joss asked, his eyes lighting up with nostalgia.

"Oh yeah, and we spent the whole day trying to debug it," Tyson laughed, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Dong chimed in, "And then we ended up just playing it for hours instead."

We all burst into laughter, reminiscing about the simpler times.

As we set off towards our first destination, the guys were chatting and laughing, excited for the day ahead. I sat back and admired the beautiful scenery around us, the crystal clear waters and the lush green islands in the distance. This was exactly what I needed - some time away from the stresses of everyday life.

After a while, the boat came to a stop, and our driver turned to us with a grin.

"Welcome to our first swimming spot. You can jump off the boat or have a swim around, whatever you prefer," he said with a thick accent.

The boys were quick to strip down to their swim trunks and rush to the edge of the boat. I, on the other hand, hesitated. I wanted to join in on the fun, but the thought of jumping into the sea with a baby inside of me was making me second guess.

I was almost 6 months pregnant, and I wasn't sure if jumping into the sea was such a good idea.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Anthea?" Eros asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry," I replied with a reassuring smile, although I really wasn't sure if I was just trying to convince myself.

"Come on, Anthea! It's going to be so much fun!" Joss called out, waving his arms excitedly.

I took a deep breath and slowly made my way to the edge of the boat, with the boys cheering me on. As I looked down into the clear water, the fear and nervousness started to fade away. The boys had already jumped in and were swimming around, splashing each other and having a great time.

Without thinking, I took a leap of faith and jumped into the sea. As I resurfaced, I felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration wash over me. I swam towards my friends, and we all started playing around and having a blast.

As we were swimming, I suddenly felt something inside me - a kick. I quickly placed my hand on my belly, and sure enough, my baby was kicking, as if it was enjoying the water just as much as I was.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed, looking at them with wide eyes.

They all swam over to me, eagerly placing their hands on my belly to feel the baby's kicks.

They love it.

For a moment, we were all just floating in the sea, laughing and sharing this special moment together.

After a while, we got back on the boat, and our driver took us to a nearby island for a picnic lunch. As we sat on the beach, enjoying our food and the beautiful view, the boys started making bets on the gender of the baby.

"I think it's a boy," Dong declared confidently.

"No way, it's definitely going to be a girl," Tyson chimed in.

I just laughed and shook my head.

As the day went on, we visited a few more swimming spots, and I even mustered up the courage to jump off the boat a few more times. Each time, I felt a sense of freedom and joy, with my baby kicking and reminding me to live in the moment.

When it was time to head back, I was exhausted but filled with happiness. As we docked back at the port, I thanked our boat driver for such a wonderful day.

"It was our pleasure. You guys looked like you had a great time," he replied with a smile.

We said our goodbyes and started walking back to our house.

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