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i let go of theo's hand and looked around the clearing. deep down, i hoped he was finally dead, finally put to rest. but another part of me wanted him to stay, to live with us forever. like i had promised.

"binx?" we called out for him, but there was no answer. no meow.

dani ran to where i had set him down on the ground, next to a grave. she pushed on his lifeless body, crying, trying to bring him back.

he couldn't be dead. there was no way. i wouldn't allow it.

allison crouched down beside his lifeless body. "he's gone. he's gone, dani."

dani was breathing heavily, still pushing on binx as if that would do anything. "but he can't die, remember!"

we all crouched down beside him. as much as i wanted him to come back-to use his ninth life-i knew it wasn't going to happen. he would have come back by now.

i threw my arms around theo and sobbed. he was the only other thing that connected me to my family history. he was the only one who could tell me about where i came from-who i was.

"come on," said a voice from behind me. "please don't be sad for me."

i moved my head away from theo and looked behind my back. "binx? is that you?"

behind me stood a human in weird clothes, standing barefoot in the middle of the cemetery. he resembled theo a great deal, even if they were only very distant relatives.

the figure nodded and laughed softly. "yeah, it's me."

i wanted to throw myself at him. hug him. ask him for more information on rebecca. i needed to know more. so much more.

"the witches are dead," he laughed. "my souls finally free."

i took a breath, wiping the tears out of my face. "but my family-i need to know more. more about where i come from."

"and you will," he assured me, but i wasn't too confident. he turned to max. "thanks for lighting the candle.

from the trees, a little girl called out his name. thackery turned around quickly and stared hopefully.

"is that you, my love?" another girl with bushy red hair called out.

binx turned and looked at us, a wide grin on his face. "it's them! it's rebecca and emily!"

thackery walked away from us and went to the pair of girls.

"thackery binx, what took thee so long?" his little sister emily asked.

thackery took the two girls hands. "i'm sorry, emily. i had to wait 300 years for a virgin to light a candle."

the redhead shook her bushy hair. "my sisters were always a nuisance, my love."

"sisters?" i muttered, thinking. "then that means i'm a..."


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