the agreement~

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So last where we left off the stars though dream went somewhere and forgot to give them a letter.

The next day at nightmare Castle.

"Hello dream, how was you night?" Nightmare asked with a grin.

"..." Dream said nothing.

"So have you thought about if you will yk?" Nightmare asked with a grin again.

"I still don't know, nightmare....." Dream said to nightmare...

"I will give you one more hour, dream, think about it by then or the worse will happen, plus I know where you live!" Nightmare told dream.

With the stars the next day/now

"INK, see if dreams in her room she must of have came home by now" nighty asked ink.

"Sure thing nighty!" Ink tole nighty.

Ink goes to dreams room but there is a surprise!!!

"Umm nighty, dreams not in her/his room!!!" Ink yelled to nighty downstairs.

"WHAT!!!!" Nighty yelled.

"can you guys pls stop yelling my pretty body is trying to sleep~" lust told them two to stop.

After that everyone was up and tried to find dream.

After an hour back at nightmares Castle.

"(Dreams POV: maybe I should except his deal/offer...)"

"Ohhhh dream~ it's been an hour so about the deal/offer?" Nightmare told dream.

"...I...I accept..." Dream told nightmare then he grined.

"Oh why do you accept? Don't you want to all ways fight me all the time?" Nightmare asked dream.

"Well if I dont accept we will keep on fighting and never get along..." Dream said to nooty.

"So finally is your senses and realizing what is happening now~" nightmare said to dream walking up to him.

"Dream~" nightmare said....

"Yes?..." Dream asked.

"Eat this~" nightmare handed an black apple to dream.

Dream soul/heart was pounding when he saw the black apple the same type of apple nightmare ate.

"I c-cant nightmare" dream said sacredly.

"Oh course you can if I did you can dream~, if you don't eat it on your own things with get worse!" Nightmare handed dream the apple and he grined!

"(POV:he better eat this or things with get messy...)"


This is the end of part 5 :)
Bye bye hope you enjoy this series

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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