the billionaire's pet

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Chapter one: The one I call mine.

It’s tough to be a girl, especially if you are the only daughter of one of the most prominent man in the entire world of business. Sometimes I wish that I could just live a happy normal life at home studying like the old times when I was being home schooled. It’s been half a year already since I was enrolled in this private university, the renowned ‘Priston University’. My two elder brothers used to go to the same university when they were – well young lad.

“Hurry up slow poke!” a familiar hoarse voice barked.

“Shut up Harrison!” I shouted as I walk toward the class. If you’re wondering who he is well it’s a long and infuriating story that started way back when I was in 2nd grade.

“What’s taking you! You know you’ve just wasted 5 minutes of my precious time!” he said sarcastically as he combed his long slender finger through his dark brown hair. Urgh!

Why did I even bother to talk to daddy about this dork! Oh, yeah I remember that it’s my fault in the first place for taking responsibility to this big of a jerk. If I only knew that he will be like this I would’ve left him with those other rich kids’ bodyguard.

“Sometimes I regret having to talk to you that day…” I mumbled beneath my breath.

“Did you say something, doll?” he said as he wrap his arm over my shoulder.

“Is that anyway to treat your master, you ungrateful dog?” I asked him.

“Who are you calling a dog, doll?” he asked as he inched his face to mine. I blushed at his gesture I’m not really accustomed to this kind of a treatment. I’m a well not like the other elite who are controlling and well – a total bitch if you put it, sorry for the use of language.

“W-w-wh-what d-do y-you think you’re doing, H-harrison?” I stuttered.

He just gave me a really spine chilling smirk. He moved closer again that I can breathe his cologne, ahhh… I can’t think straight with this guy really close to me like this. I’m going to faint because of this gesture due to lack of oxygen. “I just thought I’d give you a fair warning calling me your dog, my pretty little doll.” Then he kissed me on the cheek. He did not just kissed me – did he? Oh wait! He did- did he? Oh my God! Oh my god! Why the hell is my heart beating so fast?

“S-stop it, Paris Claude Harrison! Or or else-”

“Or else what, doll? You gonna tell your daddy?”

“I’m reminding you Paris that you are still here because of me. A-and I w-would be very much happy t-to oblige you to- to-to be nice or else – or else y-you’ll und-under go t-the r-right p-punishment f-for y-your s-silly actions.” I said in between my breath.

Furthermore, I really can’t stand our position any longer plus people are staring already.

Well who wouldn’t, he was like the most popular guy in school, he’s the same year as me yet he’s already soooooooooo popular, especially now that everybody has sympathy to him because they all think of me as a random bitch to have taken their precious prince as a captive. Oh who am I kidding the relationship we shared are like master and a pet, which I was supposed to be the master not the other way around!

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