TBP: He's MY brother!

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That afternoon, I received a call from an unknown number. I didn't mind it at first coz it's just one missed call. Before the end of the afternoon class, I was really irritated because my phone keeps on vibrating. Annoyed I excused myself from class to answer my phone and who ever this caller was I'm going to give that person a piece of my mind! The moment it rang again I hurriedly answer it.

"Hey! Who do you think you are! You think you can just call me up any minute without thinking if you are a bother or not! sheesh! Who ever you are this better be important or else!" frustration runs all over my system. I really don't like to be bothered when I'm in my afternoon classes.

"Whoa! Cool it Sunshine!" a familiar voice said. "Sorry for bothering you today."

"Y-Yule is that you?" i asked.

"Guess again Sunshine!" he laugh at the at the other end. If this is not Yullesis then could he be...

"Xent? Xent, are you Xent?" I asked again this time a little bit more excited to hear if it's really him.

"B-I-N-G-O!!" he laughed again.

"You good-for-nothing-runaway-dope! Where in the face of the world are you?!" I screamed! Well who wouldn't! After running away and not telling us where the hell he is who wouldn't be mad as a cow?

"Hey it's been  ten years and yet you greet me like that? I am still your brother you know." he joked.

He still had a time to joke around? What a real stupid brother! I thought. "Yeah, it's been ten freaking years! You're suppose to help Yul in our business you know? You're also five years older than me so you should know better!"

"Hoooo... Such a lively girl you turn out to be," he interrupted "Anyway I'm going to pick you up later so we could talk personally. Is Mr. Huns still your guardian?" I was about to answer when he interrupted me again "Anyhow just tell him I'm picking you up 'kay sis." then all I heard was a dead line. What a cocky bastard he turned out to be. I walk back in class for the remaining afternoon lessons. I am really anxious and excited at the same time to see my prodigal brother again. I bet that I'm the first to know that he's just 'round the corner. Papa's going to get happy!{Well I bet there'll be a long sermon before that though. *laughs*}. The thoughts of seeing him again makes me smile.

********After School.

I walked out the school to find Mr. Huns to tell him to just bring my ungrateful dog home. I also told him to keep this our little secret though Papa and Mama are not always at home though.

I saw a blue Noble M14 parked outside the gates. Someone came out the front and stood holding a bunch of  Hydrangea smiling sweetly at my direction.

"Hey, how's it been Sunshine?" he asked

 I ran towards him to give him a the biggest hug he ever receive from me since way-back-when.

"Xent! You big dummy!" I cried "Where have you been all this time?"

 "Well I wanted to be independent to prove that I'm different from Yule..." he laughed.

"You dummy!" I hit him, "You are different from Yule! You are much more stubborn than him! You are much more unpredictable and stupider than him but it's okay! You're still you!"

"That's harsh," he commented "I was going to say that I wanted to find myself but I guess I just have to ask you." he laughed. "Anyway let's have something to eat. I know a fancy restaurant just around the corner."

He guided me to the front seat before going around the driver's seat. We went for a drive around the SinClair avenue. He took me to a fine dining restaurant that is facing the beach. It was a wonderful sight. He look so casual when the waiter took our orders.

"Hey!" I called "Are you really my brother or are you some outer space Marsian pretending to be him?" I said seriously. For the first time after ten long years, I saw his adorable laugh and heard his voice.

"You seem in doubt my dear sister?" he said leaning forward. "By any chance, you are not afraid of me, your brother, are you?" he teased.

I laughed at his remarks. "Why would I be scared of you? Anyway, Mom's going to be back by next week. You want to meet her up?"

"Hmmm..." he was thinking real hard. I can see that he is no longer the brother that I remembered him to be. He is now a man. Lucky's the girl who'll caught his eyes. And speaking of his eyes, I never knew that he had a beautifuly deep-set  coffee brown eyes.

"Sure why not!" he interrupted my thought. Why am I thinking of my Brother this way! Hahahaha I mustv'e missed him so much to the point of being emotionally sentimental.

I went out a little late than usual, Mr. Huns was waiting for me in the car. However, I cannot see Viola anywhere.

"Hey, Mr. Huns - "

"The miss will be going home a little late. She told me to bring you home." he said plainly.

"She alone?"

"No, she's with Master Xent. She said they're going to have dinner together." he said without looking back at me "Buckle up, Claude we're about to enter the high way."


It was a very very long way back home to the Mayfair mansion, without the little  miss they all adore, this trip is really boring. I looked outside the car's window. Who the hell is that Xent? Why did she go out with that guy-who-ever-he-is. And why don't I know this fellow? What if something happens to that silly clumsy girl! Wait! Wait! Wait! Why am I thinking about that dope!  I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"Is there anything the matter, Claude?" Mr. Huns asked noticing how I shook my head.

"I - ah nothing, I thought I saw a wolf near the road." I lied.

"A wolf, you say? That's unexpected. I never knew such creatures exist in our property." he laughed. Realizing that what I said was really silly my cheeks turned deep red. Shit! So stupid to make that excuse!

I went straight to my room upon arriving at the mansion. I took a cold shower to forget that scene with Mr. Huns in the car.

"Shit! That girl's gonna get it!" I hissed. I went and did my homework near the window, when the maid called me out for dinner. They've prepared Viola's favorite dish for tonight, when I came into the dining hall alone they asked me to where she is.

"I don't know, she went out with Xent-who-ever-he-is" all I heard was "oh that's good" they've also got that smile indicating relief. I just shrugged and dismissed their expression. After diner,  I went straight up to my room. When I was about to turn off the light, I heard a car stop by the front door.

I looked to see who it is from the window, I saw a man emerge from the driver's seat about in his early twenty's. He went around the car and assist someone out - it was Viola. She was smiling like she never had smiled before. Who can that guy be? I was about to leave the window pane when I saw him kiss Viola on the cheeks. He seems to be going home when Viola insists for him to stay but he sadly turn down her offer and plant another kiss on her, this time on the forehead.

"Why do I care anyways?" I went out and went to the recieving room. My mind is cloudy and I'm not in a good mood today, I wonder why is it. I was in the last flight of the grand stairs when she came in. She looked so happy and alive from my point of view.

"Hi Claude!" she greeted cheerfully and gave me a hug. That startled me for a bit. She never calls me Claude except when her grandfather is here or when she's extremely happy.

"What's up dork?" I asked.

"I have a date next week! Mom's going to be surprised when she comes back next week!"

"You have a date with your boyfriend?" I asked sarcastically.

"Nope you idiot! We're going out with Xent! My prodigal brother!"


Sorry for the late upload! I've been busy with my studies! hope you like this one!

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