Chapter 4

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Author's note: *coughs* y'all murdered Sick days *cough cough*

As Exe roamed through the village the sky turning red as the moon dripped with a blood colored aura. "Amy..." Exe chanted, skipping to her house with the biggest smile on his face, blood falling from his pitch black eyes.

He changes his face, looking like the normal blue speedster. He slowly knocked on the door, waiting to strike as the door opened. "Ah, Tails you're... here..." Amy stuttered, her ears pinned to her head. "What are you doing here, Sonic!?" Amy shouted, her hammer appeared, holding it tightly, ready to hit him.

"Amy, I just want to talk." Exe said, holding his hand out as he evilly grinned. "No!" someone behind the two shouted. "Don't take his hand." Sonic panted as he fell to his knees. "W-what's going on!" Amy asked before hitting Exe on his head, not dealing any damage. Amy's eyes widen before quickly running off.

"You're making a mistake Exe." Sonic weakly said, growling as his ears went back. "You shouldn't be wasting your energy, heh, take a rest..." Exe said, snapping his fingers and smirked.

"Shit! Get me out of here you demon!" Sonic shouted, banging on what seemed to be glass, his reflection showed nothing but Exe's face as he grinned, tilting it's head. Sonic quickly fell back when it did so and winced. "What the hell..."


"Amy... Your HERO is waiting for you~"

*huff huff*


"Oh no... Ahh!!"

   "Stop! Don't hurt her! Leave her A-alone!"

. . . .

"If you had just listened..."


"Look what you've done."

Exe appeared in front of Sonic, his energy being extracted from the speedster. "When will you learn?"

Exe laughed evilly, placing his hand on Sonic's chin and making the blue speedster look at him as he struggled. "You monster! You hurt her!" Sonic growled as he moved his face away.

The killing version of the azure hedgehog looked down at him, his grin getting wider by the second.

"This wouldn't have happened if you just, LISTENED."

"you're insane."

   "Because you made me. Now your little friend will suffer the consequences of what she did."

Flashbacks came to the azure hedgehog's mind as his ears pinned to his head.

  "I thought you were a hero, you're just another one of those, Monsters."


  "You're a monster, A heartless demon who only cares about themself!"

Exe stood there, his grin turning into a frown as he disappeared. "huh?" Sonic asked confused before realizing. "What are you doing! Leave them alone!"

"Sonic, this isn't you, you're better then this, I can help!" Tails shouted backing up as he held his wrench out. "Old buddy... You can't help me."

  "I can! You have to trust me!" Tails' ears pinned to his head as he tightly held the wrench, ready to pounce at him. "Then why did you help me when I went insane years ago?"

"... I couldn't help you then, but I-I can now-!"

   "Enough with the lies, you're to face the consequences..."
  "S-stop! Leave him alone! Tails!"

Sonic stopped in horror as blood dropped to the floor. Tails' body laid on the ground. "T-tails..."

"You're too slow."

. . . Y'all I am sorry,
*sorry Amy lovers (if there is any)*
*sorry Tails lovers*


Don't trip on your way out...

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