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I never thought id be stuck in a situation like this especially with another man and the most popular boy in school to be exact. His hands were on my waist holding me to him as he tilted my chin up to meet his lips. But im getting ahead of myself im Link Hylia im a bleach blond blue eyed 17 year old boy who has no idea what he wants out of life.

"Sheeeeeik give it back you jerk!" I whined as the blond grinned at me holding my lab book above my head. Sometimes I hated the fact that I had chosen him as a best friend. He was grinning from ear to ear. We both looked up surprised when the book was plucked from his hands by non other than Dark the most popular boy in school.

"Ill take that, you want it youll have to find me after school to get it." Dark said winking at me before adding it to his pile of books and continuing on his way. Sheik and I just stared at him as he walked away.

"That didn't just happen, did it?" I said looking up at Sheik with wide eyes. He turned to look at me and nodded.

"it so did" I sighed, life was never easy for me. When we got to the lunch room I got my lunch and was about to sit next to Sheik and Malon when I caught Dark staring at me from his table. He winked smirking at me again making me blush and rush towards my table. I don't know whats going on with him lately but theres definitely something up.

He would never talk to anyone like me or Sheik. I slowly picked at my food as I thought about Dark. I didn't really know anything about him, now that hes shown interest in me I want to know everything about him. I looked over at his table to see him laughing with his friends. His skin was so pale, his hair was a stark white making his large ruby eyes the center of attention. Hes athletic also a star pitcher of the baseball team.

"Link, Link!" I flinched looking up at malon who was waving her hand in front of my face, Sheik was giving me a curious look.

"Uh sorry Mal im gonna go." I said lifting my tray to throw it away. I walked out of the lunchroom to my locker deciding to take a half day Ill just tell the teacher I lost my lab book and get a new one im not up for facing Dark. Hes the school bully not kind and I had managed to stay under his radar until now. Which was completely ironic us being neighbors and all, he literally lives in the house across the street.

I sighed grabbing my bag and shutting my locker. I turned around and ran face first into someones chest, I looked up seeing I was now alone in the hallway with Dark. I looked down at the ground as he stared me down.

"Where you going all by yourself Linky?" I glared at him making him smirk.

"Home." I said trying to push past him. I felt my breath catch as he trapped me between his body and the lockers. I sat there stunned I just couldn't figure what he was trying to do. His ruby eyes were so soft as he met my gaze, I felt my face heat up as leaned down. I squeezed my eyes shut as his breath neared my lips.

"Is this what you want Link?" His voice was so close to my ears so gentle and kind. He tilted his head down so close to pressing his lips to mine, I panicked and pushed him off of me. His eyes widened as he stared at me surprised I glared at him.

"don't! Im not your plaything" I growled, his gentle eyes hardened losing all of their kindness. His fist connected with the locker behind me but I didn't flinch away from him. I ducked under his arm and walked outside relishing in the cool air that blew my blond bangs away from my face.

"Link wait" I turned to see Dark standing there, he slowly approached me and placed my lab book in my hands. I looked down at the book then up at Dark who was looking away.

"im sorry Link, I wont bother you again" Dark sounded heart broken. He turned away and I swear I saw tears in his eyes. I felt an ache in my chest as he walked away, I wanted to go after him. I wanted to hug him and press my lips against his. I wanted him to show me what all these feelings mean. I tugged on my hair frustrated I really hated this, he ignores me for 2 years then all the sudden he tries to make out with me in a hallway.

I just ignored my aching chest and started my walk home. I walked up my porch and took off my shoes with a sigh and set my bag by the door. Somehow after what happened with Dark I was reminded of how painfully alone I really am. My parents had died last year no one not even Sheik knew. They left me an inheritance so I was set for life but it didn't take away the feeling of loss and loneliness.

I walked into the living room and just dropped myself onto the couch quickly putting it on the news. I watched intently as the talked about how they would be broadcasting the schools talent show on the news. I sighed closing my eyes and trying to relax before I knew it I was asleep. I managed to fall asleep for a few hours when I heard music blaring outside. I grudgingly made my way over to the window to see tons of cars parked at Darks, girls and guys were making out on his front porch spilling their drinks everywhere.

I scanned the area and found Dark on a porch swing with some red headed girl id never seen before. They were laughing and smiling I felt a pang of jealousy course through my veins, I wanted to go over there and rip him away from her. I swear I felt my heart rip to shreds when she got on his lap pressing herself against him. He didn't push her away only pulling her closer, they started kissing. I dropped the curtain and went to my room with tears in my eyes. Tomorrow id have to face him see how happy he is.

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