chapter 1

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Isabella's p.o.v

I looked at him who was making out with an girl which seemed to be my best friend Julia.

I felt teary eyed as I walked my way out without him spotting me.

This was not the first time I saw this happening.

I walked into the car which was waiting for me but I decided to walk home.

I felt the driver get out and follow me behind, but I didn't care.

The mansion was not even a bit closer which mean... I'll go home really late.

- -

i stopped myself in the middle of the make out remembering isabella.

she must be waiting for me at home...right?

i got off her and she looked at me confused.

"what are you doing?..."she asked as I put back on my shirt and thug it inside my pants.

"look. get lost!"I say and she gasped.

"what?...what's wrong with y–"

"stop it!...I will decide if I want to have sex with you but I'm not going there..."I say into her face as I took my watch with me out.

i brushed my hair to a side using my slender fingers and walked downstairs to my car which must be waiting.

i got in and the driver started to drive his way to my mansion.

what was I doing?... i had an adorable wife I really, truly love but what am I doing with women's?...

i got out once he came to a stop in front of my house.

i walked my way inside and upstairs to out room to see that she was missing.

I took off my jacket wondering why she get out so late at a night like this.

I walked my way out loosing my tie and walked my way to the kitchen to find no one.

Not even the maids who always works.

I got out and asked out a guard.

"Did you see isabella?..."I asked and he nodded.

"She walked out in the afternoon. Therefore she didn't come"he says and I walked out.

I walked to the watchman standing near the gate and got in his little office.

"What time did isabelle get out in the afternoon"I asked.

"4 : 45, sir"he replied and I hummed.

"It's been late....where must she go?"I asked myself as I started to walk my way back in the mansion.

But before I could get in, I looked at the gates which opened.

I looked at her little feature which entered through the gates and behind was one of my driver's.

Why are they walking?...

I waited for her to catch up with me and when she did, I tried to ask what she was doing out but she simply passed me and got inside.

"Isabella.... what's wrong?..."I asked curiously as I saw her deep shade of red ear tips which I know that happens when she cry. "Is something wrong bella?..."I took a hold in her wrist before she got away.

I pulled her close to me and she looked at me tiredly.

"No. Nothing is wrong"she says and I could tell that she was lying.

Her grey eyes were filled with so much emotion and I found it hard to understand.

She tip toed and I thought she was going to kiss me but she smiled.

"I'll be going to bed now..."she gave a small smile before she walked off.

Why am I so cruel?... Why do I drag other women's when I have a wife wonderful as her?...

I began to walk upstairs to our bedroom and when I got in, she looked at me and then back at the closet she was walking towards to.

I got in and closed the door shut behind me.

She was awkwardly silent.

But then, I noticed the bump on her belly.

"Are you pregnant?.."I asked and she looked at me and shook her head looking confused.

"No,Why would you think that?...."she asked and I hummed.

"Oh, nothing"I say and walked upto her and tried to pull her in to a kiss but she backed away like she saw an ghost.

When she realized what she did she was speechless for a while.

"Go take a shower"she says and I smelled myself.

"Do I smell bad?.."I asked not smelling anything bad from myself.

"No. It's came from all the way out..."she says and I looked at her.

I looked at her who bite on her lips making an dimple form on her right cheek.

"Okay... I'll go but you'll let me kiss you right?"I asked and she nodded.

"If you brush your teeth"she added and I gave her a look.

My breath stinks? can it?

I shook my head and took my towel with me as I went to take a shower and brush my teeth for bedtime.


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Soon the next chapter will be up ✨

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