Chapter One

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(The pic in this chapter is from my own camera roll)

I sat upright in my bed. My dog ​​Scooter licked my face and I could feel every part of me fighting to stay awake.

"Lovisa! Lovisa! You have to wake up now! We're leaving in 10!"

My best friend Luke banged on my door and I could hear he had a toothbrush in his mouth.

"wait? leaving in 10?" I mumbled to myself with my eyes half closed.

"Yes!" Luke banged on my door one last time. "Get up!"

"Wait! Leaving in ten!?" I was now straight awake. I glanced quickly at the clock on my bedside table before I ran to my bathroom. September 1st, 10.30am it read.


The image of me in the mirror wasn't a pleasant sight.

My gold brown hair, which had been in a braid when I went to bed last night, was now a total mess. It looked like i had spent 4 hours in a Potion class.

I quickly picked up my hairbrush that was on the bench next to me and began desperately brushing my hair as I read through my packing list.

Thankfully, I had been smart and packed almost everything last night, so now I just had to throw simple every-morning-use stuff into my trunk.

Of course I couldn't forget my cat Cyrus either, or my book for god's sake.

When my hair looked okay, I curled my lashes and put on some highlighter and lip balm, I didn't bother to put on mascara.

"Five minutes, Lovisa!" Grace, Luke's mother, called from downstairs.

"Yes! Yes!" I'm coming!" I answered

I didn't have time to put on my Gryffindor Robes, so I simply put on a pair of blue mom jeans and my Gryffindor jumper. I would just change on the train later like everyone else.

When everything was packed and my best friend had shouted my name a couple more times, I was downstairs with my trunk, kissed my dog goodbye one last time, grabbed my cat and my book in my arms and pulled on a pair of beige flip flops on my feet.

Luke helped me put my trunk in the car and exactly 10 minutes after I woke up, we were in the car on our way to Kings Cross station.

We could just walk there if we wanted, but because of the heavy trunk, Luke's parents offered to give us a ride.

Now that I was in the car, I had time to think.

I had another dream last night, about the one and only Draco Malfoy.

It wasn't a new one though, I had dreamt it before.

I believe it takes place somewhere in 4th grade.

Malfoy sits in a tree and, of course, he starts insulting Harry as he walks by.

Harry Potter; a good friend of mine. He is a boy with dark hair, green eyes and a scar on his forehead. He has saved the world a couple of times and therefore, you can call him quite famous.

However, a professor named Mad eye Moody (aka the death eater Barty Crouch Jr under the poly juice potion) sees Malfoy insult Harry and turns Malfoy into a ferret.

This dream is one of the best things I have ever witnessed. I can hardly wait until next year to see it in real life.

But my dreams aren't always like this. And I'd actually prefer not to have them at all.

Let's just say that I, more or less, know everything that will happen this year, and the next four years.

I know we're getting a new professor this year, named Reamus Lupin. I know he's a werewolf. I also know that there will be dementors all over Hogwarts to protect the school from Sirius Black. I know that Ron Weasley's rat is actually a man named Peter Pettergrew who is a follower of you-know-who.

I know that there will be a tournament next year, and Harry will be chosen as one of the champions, that Cedric Diggory will get killed by you-know-who, our new professor, Mad eye Moody, is going to end up being a death eater under the poly juice potion and you-know-who will return.

I know that in our fifth year, we will get a new teacher that everyone will hate; Dolores Umbridge. Dumbledore's Army will form and there will be a big fight at the Ministry Of Magic where Harry will meet you-know-who again and Sirius Black will die.

Sirius Black; the man everyone is looking for right now. A crazy serial killer and a follower of The Dark Lord.

Well, that's what everyone thinks. I know he is a good man and Harry's godfather. At the end of this year, Sirius and Harry will be reunited.

I also know everything that will happen during our sixth year. The Half-Blood Prince, you-know-who's back, Ron Weasley - Lavender Brown - Hermione Granger drama, Dumbledore's death, and, Draco Malfoy is going to become a Death Eater. He will work in The Room Of Requirements with a Vanishing Cabinent and has the task of killing our headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

I know about our seventh and last year at Hogwarts. It will be living hell for everyone. Professor Snaps as headmaster. Harry, Ron and Hermione will be out hunting Horcruxes.

May 2, 1998. I know everyone who's gonna die. I know almost the entire fight in detail. But I never saw the end. I know that you-know-who will kill Harry, and that he will come back to life again. But the last dream i had of May 2nd ended when Harry's and you-know-who's wands connected one last time. I know one of them will die, but not who.

I know all this because of stupid dreams I've had since I was nine years old. Sometimes it's the same dream over and over, but often it's new dreams.

The two things that scare me the most are; one: I have never dreamed of myself. And two: I have never had a dream that takes place after the battle of Hogwarts.

So I don't know if I will die in the final battle or what will happen after.

But, there are five years to go until May 2 1998, so I have plenty of time to get these dreams.

It's just weird because I never dream in chronological order. One night I can dream about the final battle, and another night I dream about something that took place six years before that. So it's strange that I haven't dreamed about anything that takes place after the battle yet.

However, there is one person that I dream about more than any other. And that's Draco Malfoy.

I can't help but think that that might have a meaning, that we will play a big role in each other's lives, even though we've never spoken more than a few words to each other.

All my friends hate Malfoy. Not gonna lie, I do too. He acts like a real idiot to everyone. No one can make my blood boil as much as he can.

But still, I know why he acts like this.

He is the school bully because he likes to feel powerful.

He likes to feel powerful because he has never felt loved.

And when you grow up without feeling loved, your life becomes complicated.

If I were to tell someone that I knew all this, they would probably ask why I didn't stop it all.

And believe me, I want to stop it. But somehow I know that what I dream about is the future and not what might happen, and fate cannot be changed.

So I just have to help everyone as much as I can without changing fate.

My thoughts got interrupted at the car stopped.

"Okey!" Said Jack, Luke's father, as he parked the car. "We're here, and we're in time!"


Okey. That was the first chapter..
I hope you like it. And I promise it's just getting better hahaha.

I have already written like 13 parts and AAAAAA I love it.

I just got back from Norway so I can start posting now... finally.
Miss being back home Norway though..

Also, I'll write in the beginning of every chapter of the pic's from Pinterest or if it's mine, so you know which of them u can find on Pinterest. If u get it lol.

Anyways, read the next chapter now if you want. BYE

If you read this you're beautiful❤️

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