Chapter Four

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(The pic in this chapter is from Pinterest)

When I walked away from the Slytherins compartment I heard familiar voices.

"I need to talk to you in private" Harry said.

I decided it would be best if I waited to join them until they were done talking, I had an idea that they were talking about Sirius Black.

So in the meantime, I found a compartment with Ginny Weasley and Neville Longbottom.

After a couple of hours of talking and laughing, as well as a few visits from several of our friends, I picked Cyrus up off the floor and went to say hi to Harry, Ron and Hermione

I reached their compartment at the back of the train, that  I remember they shared with our new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, and gently knocked on the door.

"Come in" I heard Ron say from the inside.

I opened the door and let Cyrus down to the floor. Just as I looked up again, I got a bear hug from Hermione.

"Hi!" She smiled at me as she pulled away. "I have missed you so much, Losie!"

"I've missed you too Hermione!" I smiled back.

"Hey! We've missed her too!" Ron said standing up. He and Harry gave me a quick hug before offering me a seat.

"Who's that?" I asked, pointing at the sleeping  Professor Lupin.

Already knowing the answer, I just nodded as Harry told me he was the new teacher.

"So Hermione, is this your cat you've been writing about?" I patted Crookshanks on his back.

"Yes it is, his name in Crookshanks" She said with a big smile to me. I saw Ron rolling his eyes in the corner of my eye.

"What a cool name" I replied, acting like I didn't already know the name.

"You shouldn't like him you know" Ron said like it was an obvious thing . "He wants to kill my rat".

"Really?" I laughed and looked at Hermione, who just rolled her eyes at Ron.

"At least your cat is nice" Harry said next to me. When I looked over at him, I saw that Cyrus had jumped onto his lap.

"Yes! Look Hermione!" Ron pointed at my cat and looked at Hermione. "You said all cats hunt rats! But Cyrus has known Scabbers for two years, and he's never tried to eat him!"

"Yes, Ron. But Crookshanks just needs to get used to being around Scabbers!" Hermione looked quite annoyed, like she'd said that a thousand times before, which she probably had.

"They've been like this ever since Hermione got that cat" Harry told me as Ron and Hermione continued to argue.

"Oh my god. How do you handle that? I've been here for 2 seconds and I'm already sick of it" I laughed.

"Keep your voices down" Harry said, nodding towards Professor Lupin.

"Okay let's change the subject" I suggested, a little louder this time so they two others could also hear me.

"Yeah." Harry sighed from beside me.

We talked and had a really great time for what I believe was an hour until a question I did not expect came up.

"So, Lovisa, how is your brother after graduation?" asked Hermione.

It felt like someone poured a bucket of ice cold water over me.

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