Chapter 3

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"You have a girlfriend?!" Chaeyoung hears the woman shriek behind him. He swiftly turns around ready to explain but the movement actually made the impact of the woman's hand on his cheek land a lot harder.

"And a baby!" she exclaims even louder.

The brunette he picked up from the bar huff and rudely push past Mina and out of his sight.

Mina bows awkwardly and apologetically to the woman already climbing into a taxi before sending Chaeyoung a sympathetic look and staring at Fitzgerald shyly.

"I hope you weren't trying to be serious with her" she laugh half-heartedly, her gaze unable to meet Chaeyoung's still.

She wasn't sure if she should have chased after the woman to clear up the misunderstanding but she noticed the man infront of her made no move to salvage his relationship with the woman.

Chaeyoung shake his head and sighs. Rubbing his sore cheek, he adjust his sight to glare at Mina. She lift her eyes up and gaze back at him with curious eyes.

"What's your name again?" Chaeyoung always had trouble with names.

"Mina" she chirp


"Just Mina. I refuse to give you my last name because Mina is what you will call me" she stuck her bottom lip out and her cheeks inflates.

Oh, we've got a badass here.

"How did you find me Ms. Mina?"

Mina giggles sarcastically "I can't believe you didn't even try changing his diaper before you brought him to us, his little butt was so wrinkly!"

She reach into her back pocket and withdrew a letter. Suddenly, Chaeyoung was overcome with dread.

"Property of Son Chaeyoung" Mina read aloud. She repeat the contents of the letter Chaeyoung read earlier that day
"And then the mother lists your address here. It's funny because it's like she knew you would try giving him away! I found this letter in his diaper, oddly enough."

Chaeyoung backs away from her realizing that Mina was currently touching paper that had been hidden near shit.

Laughing like as if Chaeyoung wasn't being serious, Mina brush past him and walk into his home, casually taking a sit on the couch Chaeyoung was just making out on earlier.

Cradling the baby in her arms she looks at Chaeyoung who was still standing at his doorway and staring at her with his hands in his pockets.

"I know all about your situation Mr. Son" she pats the unoccupied space next to her on the couch "Come sit next to me and lets talk."

Unwillingly, Chaeyoung silently close the door and sits beside her without taking his eyes off her.

Something about this girl interest him and it wasn't just about her physical attributes. She was polite and delicate, pleasant and soft-spoken.

Her eyes were filled with light and her face glowed with color and energy. Maybe it was the innocence and purity she had that contrasted with his impurity and emptiness that made his life seem so horrible. Her very existence made him ponder about his own.

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