Chapter 6

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The next day was awfully uneventful or so the 25 year-old Mina thought it would be.

She wakes up on the couch, groggy and sore from its stiff nature.

Moaning as she stretches her limbs, she glances around without getting up and places a hand daintily over her mouth as she yawns.

The house was still, only the sound of the ticking clock can be heard, tethering her to the reality of morning and prevented her from falling back asleep, consciousness strengthening with every click of the clock.

Next to her on the floor sat Chaeyoung's poodle, Logan wagging his tail eagerly for acknowledgement.

With a kind smile, Mina rolls over to her side to ruffle his tiny, brown head and logan licks her fingers in response.

It was already day two since she had been accepted to live here. Every minute of official day one had been used to argue with Chaeyoung and cater to Fitzgerald's needs.

It was utterly exhausting so having some quiet time this morning was rewarding.

Though as a trade-off for making Chaeyoung help her move out of Lennox's and into his home, she ended up sleeping on the couch for that night.

And of course Chaeyoung couldn't act any more indifferent about the punishment. He even went the extra mile to lock the guest room so she couldn't sneak in during the night.


"Silence" Chaeyoung said firmly halting her rebuttals "Yes will be the next word you will speak. Saying anything else will result in a swift death."

Mina gasp.

"No, not for you but for your friend" swiftly, he reaches for the throat of Mina's precious penguin plushie and squeeze it tightly in his hand.

Mina could hear her friend's silent screams as she watch the toy's beady eyes bulge out from the fabric.

How did Chaeyoung managed to get any woman in his bed (or vice versa) with that attitude was beyond Mina.



She'd almost forgotten she lurch upwards into a sitting position, her heart pounding in her chest with adrenaline, practically jumping off of the furniture she races to the other loveseat nearest to her.

She let out a sigh of relief when she finds Fitzgerald nestled comfortably in his blanket and his makeshift crib.

Chaeyoung was being too much of a prick to actually buy the child a real, sturdy one.

Fitzgerald was already awake, staring blankly into Mina's eyes his miniscule lips parting and closing meaninglessly.

Though for someone as experienced as Mina, she immediately knew what he wanted.

Gently, she scoops him into her arms, rocking the tiny human as she carries him to the kitchen, she occupied his mouth with her finger and he quietly suck on it.

"Thank goodness you're still in your newborn stage"  she muse as she fishes for their breakfast "but when you grow up I hope you won't be a crybaby or creating so much noise, Chaeyoung will go crazy."

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