chapter 4 - starcrossed lovers

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the two girls were stood in the middle of nancy's room holding each other. their hearts were beating a million miles per hour. neither of them were sure of what to do next but they both knew that they wanted each other.
"robin..i-" nancy started to talk but robin quickly cut her off.
"let's just ignore everything and everyone for today. it can be just us"
nancy smiled because that was exactly what she wanted. but before they could say anything else they heard the front door open.
"or not" robin added. they heard laughter and a lot of talking and the pair realised mike had his friends over AGAIN.
"ugh one day i will kill him" nancy groaned. they left the room and stood at the top of the stairs watching the group raid the kitchen and living room.
"oh hey nancy" mike said in a teasing tone "oh and robin? whatcha guys doing up there?" he continued his joke.
"none of your business michael!" nancy yelled.
"nancy?" jonathan peeked out from the kitchen. nancy's stomach dropped. she forgot about her boyfriend.
"j-jonathan hi"
jonathan walked up the stairs and greeted nancy with a kiss on her cheek. robin stared at the pair as jonathan's hands wrapped around nancy's waist. her heart raged with jealousy and all she wanted to do was pull nancy away from jonathan and run out of there. nancy turned back and uncomfortably smiled at robin.
"i think i'm gonna go. i have work soon" robin muttered. she pushed past the pair.
"are you sure? can i drive you home?" nancy let go of jonathan and followed her down the stairs.
"nope. i'm fine. i'll see you later nance" and with that robin was out the door shutting it loudly behind her.
"well that was weird" dustin added.
nancy was stood in front of the door starstruck. she wanted to run after robin but jonathan and his little brother's friends were standing right there. nancy didn't want to speak to anyone so she just walked back up the stairs and shut her door behind her. the group looked at each other confused but they shrugged it off. except for el and max. they gave each other a little nod and followed up the stairs too. nancy was curled up in her bed. she didn't know what to do. jonathan was right outside but she didn't care that he was. she cared that he wasn't robin. nancy heard a little tap on the door and sighed
"go away jonathan" she yelled. the door handle turned and el peeked her head around it.
"nance, it's us" max followed el's actions.
"i don't feel like talking right now" nancy mumbled.
"then don't. we can do all the talking or we can just sit in silence, your choice. but you need someone here" max spoke up.
nancy sat up and brought her knees to her chest. she hated this feeling. it was an unfamiliar place in her mind. she hated jonathan for sending robin away but she knew it wasn't his fault. she didn't actually hate him at all. she just loved robin.
"okay" nancy agreed. el laid down next to nancy and max laid down as well tucking her head into the crook of el's neck.
"i just" nancy started to talk but 'i just' was all she could get out before she wanted to stop. max noticed the long pause.
"it's okay nance, you don't have to talk about robin or jonathan or any of them right now. just talk about what you did today" max's words made nancy so much more comfortable with the situation. the urgency of everything makes it easier to want to talk about only that. but in reality there was no urgency and it was obvious max knew that.
"well. i went to the mall and got necklaces for robin and i. they're matching ones." nancy reached to her chest to pull up the necklace she was talking about.
"it's pretty" el spoke up.
"thanks. i tried to pick something that she would like"
the girls nodded.
"then robin came and picked me up and we had a picnic. it was lovely actually. we sat looking at the clouds and talked too. but then i pulled a dumb move and kissed her"
"i'm sorry what?!" max said in a surprised tone.
"yeah. i just wanted to. i shouldn't have though, it was completely out of the blue for her. i'm lucky she felt the same way though"
"she does?" el added.
"yeah she does. well i think she does. when it started to rain we had to race back here and she came upstairs and kissed me"
"what?!" el and max said at the same time. at this point they were both sitting up and looking at nancy in shock.
"what? it doesn't mean anything to her. otherwise she wouldn't have walked out like that" nancy protested. max sighed and leaned her head in her palm.
"nance she walked out because she didn't want to see you and jonathan together" el said
"yeah i know. she didn't care about me or what i wanted. and i wanted her here" nance said confidently.
"i think it's the opposite. she cared about you so much that when she saw you and jonathan together she got super jealous and wanted to just get out of there" max added. nancy looked at her confused "nance where's your brain at? i thought that was obvious"
"i dont know. it's all over the place" nancy laid on her back and covered herself with her blanket "there is no way i can get out of this without someone getting hurt"
"yeah i think-" there was a knock on the door
"-you're right" el voiced her opinion. the door opened and jonathan walked in.
"hey guys, is she here?" he asked el and max. they looked down at the lumpy blanket and nodded back to him. nancy was freaking out under there but she knew they needed to talk so she slowly pushed the blanket back and motioned for the girls to leave. they got up and max mouthed "good luck!" to her with a thumbs up. jonathan closed the door behind them and sat next to nancy. neither of them said anything for a couple seconds and they just sat in the silence.
"jonathan-" nancy started to speak but jonathan cut her off with a question. nancy can never seem to get a chance to speak huh?
"did you go to the field today with robin? the one by cherry lane?"
nancy was taken aback by jonathan's knowledge of her whereabouts.
"y-yeah i did. how did you know that?" jonathan shifted around on nancy's bed.
"well will asked me to pick everyone up and take them here and you hadn't spoken to me at all so i agreed. and as we were driving to pick max up, will pointed you and robin out. he said you guys were sitting together on the field"
nancy's face fell. she didn't want to lie to jonathan about anything. she hated lying to him. he never deserved it.
"yeah. robin and i had a picnic. and i" nancy trailed off. she tried to find the strength to say the next couple of words to jonathan "i kissed her"
jonathan's eyes widened and he stood up. he started slowly pacing around nancy's room. nancy saw him fall apart right in front of her and she couldn't help but fall apart too.
"jonathan i am so sorry. you're my everything and i love you. but i don't love you like that anymore" she sniffled.
"i love you too" his voice broke trying to get his feelings out. he sat down and held his arms out. nancy fell into his touch and bawled her eyes out.
"you'll always be my best friend you know that?" he said "and we'll always have each other. your girlfriend's just going to have to deal with it" he smiled through his tears
"i'm sorry" nancy cried.
"as long as you're happy, i'm happy nance. so please, go and be happy with her. i'll still be here when you need me" they broke the hug and jonathan wiped away the tears from her cheeks.
"thankyou for saying that" her hands reached out for his left one and she held it palm facing up. her fingers traced the clear scar along his hand and she smiled "we'll always have each other"
she looked back up to jonathan to see his other hand covering his face. he hated people seeing him upset. he also hated seeing nancy leave him. but he knew it was for the better.
"thankyou for understanding jonathan"
jonathan stood up and walked to the other side of the bed. he held nancy's face and kissed her forehead.
"always. goodbye nance" he let her go for the last time and walked out of her room. nancy felt such a warmth in her heart from jonathan's response. she was ready for him to scream at her for cheating on him but she was so happy that he didn't. she heard some more chatter downstairs and then the front door opened and closed. she looked out her window and saw jonathan's car speed off. she wiped away the rest of the teardrops on her cheeks and looked in the mirror to see if she was presentable enough to go downstairs. little miss perfect right? nancy left her room and went downstairs to check on the kids. they were scattered over the kitchen and dining room table, laughing and talking about different things. but when nancy walked in, all of them raced over and surrounded nancy in a group hug. they all simultaneously said "AWWW!"
"guys, what are you doing?" she asked when she saw them start to crowd around her "no i'm fine i promise i'm okay!!!" she claimed as they were hugging her.
"just let it happen nance" dustin spoke up. nancy groaned and let it happen. after a few seconds all the kids let go except for el. she stayed holding onto nancy which made her smile.
"you'll always be my favourite sibling" nance said to el
"HEY WHAT ABOUT ME?!" mike yelled from the kitchen. the group just looked at mike and the anger in his face decreased "yeah i'm a shithead aren't i?"
"at least you're self aware loser!" max voiced and the group giggled.
"hey shut up max!" he spoke back. max just grinned at the curly headed boy and sat back down at the dining room table.
"okay you guys are my distraction for tonight to get my mind off jonathan and robin"
"why do you need to get your mind off robin? what happened with her?" will asked while munching on some mnm's.
"oh um, nothing. anyways what are we doing?" will and lucas glared at each other because of nancy's defensive response.
"we were going to go to the mall" mike said in a stuck up tone.
"and now nancy is coming with us!" max linked her arm with nance's.
"seriously? can't she just deal on her own?" mike groaned.
"mike shut up, nancy the rest of us want you there" will said confidently.
"great! then let's go" she said grabbing her keys.
"oh cool you're driving us?" lucas asked from the back of the group.
"no we're teleporting there" she responded sarcastically. lucas rolled his eyes and the group all got into nancy's car with max sitting in the front.

we had a sweet lil jancy moment there 🥲 i believe even if they do break up in s5 they'll always have love for each other and that's why i included it in here. this chapter is a little bit shorter then the others but i had to end it here otherwise it would be waaaaay too long. also thanks for all the love on the past couple chapters ❤️❤️❤️

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