She is Gone

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Hey guys sorry I didn't update all of April. My uncle was dying of cancer and passed away. I really couldn't write anything. But I hope you enjoy the updates now that I am up and going again.


"Abby of the Sky people, I am sorry"

"I don't need your sorry Lexa, I need my daughter"

Abby Griffin stood tall, all her rage and tears made her seem stronger as her passion grew.

"You did this, you have to bring her back. I have never seen my daughter so captivated by someone. Was this your goal all along. String my daughter along so we could advance your people against Mount Weather. Was this all a part of some big scheme? "

Lexa had never been spoken to like that in her life. She knew that if she had any warriors in the tent Abby would have to be made an example of, but this was Clarke's mother and there weren't any warriors in the tent.

"Abby, I never intended to hurt your daughter. To be frank, I might actually love your daughter. I don't expect you to ever believe me, but you have my word that I will never hurt your daughter again."

"Your word means nothing if she isn't here, you need to find her. I don't care how you do it, but bring her back to me. She has been gone a week already!"

"A Week?! She has been gone a week and you didn't tell me?!"

"I didn't see a point seeing as YOU are the one who betrayed her! The only reason I came her was because I thought she might be here and didn't want to tell me! You caused all of this! You need to fix this! If she dies out there her blood will be on your hands!"

And with that Abby stormed out of the tent.

A week! She has been gone a week, alone and unprotected. She is gone because of me. I didn't have another choice. No! I can not be weak, not while Clarke is missing! I will go for her. Just me. Alone. No one else should find her but me. Blood for blood, I will find her or die trying.

/// 2 weeks later///

Lexa has tracked Clarke to Mount Weather. Lexa was exhausted. Clarke had walked in circles and sent Lexa on a wild goose chase. When she got to mount Weather, there were hundreds of fresh graves. Some fresher than others. Clarke was nowhere to be seen.

Where is she? She can't be far. Maybe a day ahead of me, maybe more. I can't go on like this. I need to rest, but not here. Not with the dead, not where I betrayed Clarke. I must keep moving.

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