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Forbidden nature

He that steals honey should beware of the sting.

Those that steal blood should know that something always bites back. Just as hard and unrelenting.

Cadence wouldn't bite. She would stab and wouldn't be satisfied until she saw red.

It was the least she could do, after all, what a person takes, another must give back just as equally. In this case, however, it would be a life.

Because all that ran through Cadence's mind was if Tristan didn't shoot the youngest Fenris brother, she would be very much dead.

"Drive faster, Tristan!" Cadence bellowed.

The message wasn't well received when Lycus told Gabriel what happened and once Cadence caught word of the hybrid's whereabouts, taking his steps to the Fenris pack and breathing the same air as Accalia, Cadence and Tristan nearly lost the plot.

In an instant, the Alphas' orders lost all meaning and the hunters booked it out of the forsaken town.

"I'm going as fast as I can, Cadence—"

"Don't you get it, Tristan?" Cadence shouted at her cousin and unbuckled the seatbelt smothering her like ropes. "This my fault. I let him out! He could — he will kill Accalia!"

Distress took hold of Cadence and shook her so hard she thought her heart would shatter out of her chest.

Droplets of rain began to pitter patter the glass windows, glossing over in fog and blurring the car ahead of them.

Lycus overtook Tristan's jeep nearly an hour ago and hadn't braked once when coming to bends and skidding harshly enough to leave marks.

"We shouldn't have left Accalia," Tristan muttered regretfully, bags hanging deep under his eyes and face drawn in tired lines.

Cadence pulled her lip into her mouth to silence herself.

A face came to hers and Erisa pinned Cadence with a calculated glare. There was no looking away from it.

"She can't fight, she can hardly stand," Tristan grumbled, slumping against his seat from distress.

Erisa laughed eerily and leant her chin on Cadence's shoulder. "You sure? She managed to punch and stab the Big Bad Wolf just fine."

Cadence grew tense in the shoulders. "That's because Lycus would never hurt Accalia."

"By hurting you, he did," Tristan said to Cadence and shifted gears. "And what the hell were you talking about back at the church with wolves dying on the full moon?"

Cadence laughed dryly, knowing she truly dug a grave for herself by saying that. At the moment, a run of glee went through her like a stroke of luck, but all too quickly, it ran its course.

"I should've kept my mouth shut." Cadence shook her head in frustration. "Alexene killed a bunch of Lycus's wolves on the night of the full moon and no one knew who did it, except me. Alexene was returning the favour for all the people he killed."

"And rightfully so," Erisa jested, not missing a beat. "I don't like the vamp, but as it goes: An eye for an eye."

"Damn straight. But Cadence you gotta be careful around Lycus, he didn't kill you back at the church, but he wants to hurt you." Tristan informed his cousin and flicked the window wipers on as the rain grew heavier.

Cadence inhaled with a curt nod. "I know he does, but we can't be focusing on me right now, for all we know this hybrid freak could have gotten to Accalia."

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