Chapter 11

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Naruto was silent on the trip back to the Clan Compound. The Uzumaki didn't really treat him any differently from before, aside from the fleeting flickers of pity that he picked up on. As masters in sealing, they all understood that the monster within Naruto did not make him a monster himself.

But that didn't mean they didn't pity him.

And somehow, that was worse than anything Naruto had ever had before.

He wasn't even sure how to handle it. He was who he was and that was that. He wasn't any different from the Naruto they knew before they found out that he was a Jinchuriki. Did they perhaps wonder what kind of parents he'd had? Naruto loved his parents regardless of their decision to seal the Kyuubi within him.

Did the Uzumaki think any less of his parents?

"Naruto-kun." The blond turned to the Clan Head, blinking once but saying nothing. "How old were you really when your parents died?"

Naruto looked away, unwilling to answer but knowing that his emotions would answer enough. It might not give an exact answer but it gave enough of one for them to realise that Naruto had been very, very young.

"The day I was born." Naruto eventually whispered very quietly.

"Then, the way you were treated by the villagers. . ." The Clan Head's voice trailed off.

"Yes. As long as I can remember." Naruto confirmed.

"I see."

No more words were exchanged and Naruto didn't try prompting any further conversation.

His thoughts trailed to Takashi. He knew he should have done things differently but this assessment was only in hindsight.

"There is no use in dwelling on that which has already happened and that which cannot be changed." Kyuubi grumbled sleepily from within Naruto's mind.

"I know." Naruto whispered back.

"Then move on. This Takashi human did not give his life for yours so that you could mope all day."

Naruto knew that Kurama was correct but he also felt that he needed to grieve just a little longer. Takashi deserved that much.


"Try harder Naruto!"

The blond panted as he rested on his hands and knees. He'd been trying for four weeks now and he was pretty darn sure that there wasn't much harder he could try. He'd tried with Kage Bunshin at first. But that had only made it worse, leaving him entirely on his own.

Trying to control his bloodline was near impossible.

All he'd managed so far was to bend the metal square he'd been given. It was the leaf exercise all over again only this was worse. It was taking longer with little to no progress. He was starting to think that maybe he didn't have the bloodline after all.

There was also a barrier around him, meant to prevent the Kyuubi from harming the clan. Naruto saw it as the Yamato that wasn't here. Still it was rather depressing to have to wait every time, to be let out. It was worse to know that he was caged up like some wild animal but that he couldn't afford not to be.

Naruto grimaced before turning to his teacher, the current blacksmith and master of the Uzumaki bloodline. "What is the origin of our bloodline?"

Naruto had had an idea forming for some time now, that perhaps if he understood how the bloodline worked, such as how he had explained Hashirama's Mokuton to the Senju, then maybe he could master his own.

"Well, isn't that an interesting question." The Blacksmith replied scratching his chin thoughtfully. Naruto had come to learn that in certain positions, an Uzumaki gave up his identity. Such as the Clan Head became the Honourable One, or the Clan Head and those that mastered the bloodline became what they used the bloodline for. Naruto didn't know what he'd use his bloodline for and he didn't particularly think he'd ever gain enough control to be the blacksmith.

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