Chapter 26

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Minato's furious command was the first to break Madara's spell. "We need to find a way to lock him out of the seal matrix, NOW!" His stony gaze was on his wife and the aged Uzumaki clan head as he clenched his hands tightly, desperate to hit an enemy he could not reach.

Mito nodded once but her eyes were grim. "I'll be honest with you, Hokage-sama, the Shodai seal matrix is one we've yet to crack. The most anyone has been able to do is create a pocket outside of the seal matrix. What concerns me more, is Madara's age. Did you not notice how young he looked?" Mito had a good point, who also looked as though a small breeze would blow her away, and who was technically younger than Madara.

Madara looked fresh in his prime. Barely older than Kakashi.

Minato took a moment to analyse that fact. Senju Tsunade was known to use jutsus to create an illusion of her age. Was Madara doing the same? The man's movements suggested that no, he wasn't. A jutsu might affect one's appearance but wouldn't affect one's body. The age would have shown in his handling of Menma.

Menma. Minato's heart squeezed but without a location there was precious little he could do.

"Kakashi." Minato called, unsure of who else to call as he would have preferred Itachi. Would Jiraiya-sensei be able to help? Would he work well with Kakashi? Jiraiya was very flashy, Kakashi preferring to stick to the shadows. Yet Jiraiya's ability to gather information was unmatched. So one more then but who? Haruto? Too important for the seal matrix. Arashi? Too young yet he had the advantage of being Kakashi's student. Someone skilled at information gathering. Hyuuga, Neji Hyuuga. Young as well but talented. Haku? Also young and talented. Which would ensure a successful mission?

The decision was difficult. He'd leave it to Kakashi. He'd know best who he'd need to work with.

"Hai, Hokage-sama." Kakashi had been in the meeting, mostly keeping silent.

"You need to find Menma, go to his last known location and try to see where he went. Take whoever you need. Just leave the initial report on my desk." Minato was quiet, keeping it to just them. The rest of the meeting room was busy discussing amongst themselves, in hushed harried tones, a clear unease gripping the room's occupants.

"I want Naruto." Kakashi said firmly. Minato gave him a sour look. It was a dangerous request. "He's a really good sensor. He might be able to track Menma on that alone." Kakashi argued. "Madara won't expect it. If we pretend Naruto is still in the village, then it gives us the surprise element."

"It won't work that way. Madara has access to the seal matrix. Which means that he can sense everyone in the village. Those bubbles outside of the seal matrix might be our best hope at hiding Naruto from Madara. But that will be no different than him leaving the village completely. As always, Hokage-sama the decision is yours. I can only add my own thoughts." Shikaku had approached, and had been eavesdropping. "We should ignore Menma for now. I know he's your son, and you desperately want him back, but have you considered he's a distraction? I suggest we investigate the Uchiha compound. Why did Madara want Naruto to go there and where did the Uchiha go? If the clan has joined Madara, it's something we'd need to know given that fighting against the Uchiha requires specific counter measures."

Ignore Menma? Minato's lips thinned as he pressed them together in displeasure. Shikaku's logic was sound, as always. "Kakashi, you're on Menma. Find Jiraiya and get him to investigate the Uchiha compound. He can take Uzumaki Arashi with him. There might be seals involved."

"Alone?" Kakashi asked, referring to his mission.

"Yes, alone. We need our forces here. A week barely gives me enough time to recall the Shinobi out on missions." Minato sighed, squeezing the bridge of his nose. "Shikaku, you're on the war council. We have a lot of work set out for us."

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