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I'm sorry for this-

Tw: blood knives stabbing- weird yandere shit-

George POV:

They were caught in another damn storm, Sapnap wasn't paying attention which caused them the mishap of being caught in a storm.

George was currently trying to tie down the sails, he learned from Dream how to do the correct knot to tie down the sails in case of a storm.

He yelped as a sail tugged him off the wooden deck, he pulled at the rope and was able to get himself down and tie that sail tight.

"Haha! Stupid sail!" George said gleefully.

"GEORGE!" Dream called, the siren looked over to his lover. "GO HELP TOMMY AND TUBBO DOWN IN THE BERTH, RANBOO GO WITH!"

George and Ranboo nodded and ran downstairs. George shook out his hair before following Ranboo to the supply room. During their visit to the market, Dream got a lot of barrels of gunpowder, they needed to tie those down, they can't risk an explosion.

"Tommy!" Ranboo called out.

Tommy looked relieved when he saw the two, Tubbo handing them a few ropes, and helping them tie down the barrels.

Once all of the barrels were tied down they all looked at each other and let out loud laughs of relief.

"I'm gonna go check around for leaks, you three do whatever," George said.

They waved the brunette off and stayed near the entrance to the berth just in case the siren called and needed help. George checked under each hammock, making sure there were no leaks.

He smiled, he was happy that he was allowed to help, George had been working hard on his skills on deck to prove that he could help when needed.

When Dream finally told him that he could help, George was ecstatic, he really wanted to help, and now, not only is he the captain's lover, he was now the newest member of the crew!

"Hello George," a female voice said smoothly.

George looked up and smiled when he saw her. "Hello, Sarah!"

The crew had a fair amount of female crewmates, all of them having a job that they wanted, some in the kitchen because they loved cooking, some on the deck, and others working in cargo or in the berth.

"Whatcha up to?" The ravenette asked.

"Oh, I'm just checking for leaks, wanna help?" George asked.

"Sure, I already checked this area, let's check somewhere else," she murmured.

"Ah, okay," George turned. "Where should we-"

George was cut off by the sound of a knife leaving its sheath and an agonizing pain through his shoulder, George let out a scream and fell to the floor. He looked over his shoulder and saw a bit of the blade and he felt bile rise in his throat. It was copper.

Copper is very deadly to sirens, tears filled his vision as he felt his eyes get droopy. He felt a hand grip his hair and pull his head up.

"You don't belong here siren scum," she growled.

"GEORGE!" He heard Tommy scream.

Sarah let go as Tubbo tackled her. "RANBOO, GO GET DREAM!"

He heard footsteps leaving quickly. George whined softly, the pain and he tried to get up, his arms shaking under his weight. George fell back down onto the floor.

"WHAT HAPPENED!? GEORGE!" Dream's voice bellowed.

"Dr-eam," George whimpered.

"FUCK- does anyone have any moonstone!?" Dream asked frantically.

"I do, hold on!" Another voice answered.

Someone grabbed the knife and he let out a scream, tears falling down his cheeks, everyone in that room could tell that the siren was in utter agony.

"No no! Don't touch it! It'll make it worse!" Dream yelled.

"Sorry!" Tommy said.

Someone came running back and started yelling again.

"I've got it Dream!" Wilbur yelled.

"Give it here!" Dream exclaimed.

George was moments away from passing out as Dream pulled the smaller onto his lap, George felt Dream's breath against his cheek as his lips brushed along the skin in a small kiss.

"George, baby, this is going to hurt, a lot, I just need you to be strong okay?" Dream whispered.

"K," George whimpered.

"Are you ready?" He asked gently.

George smiled softly and shook his head. "I don't think I'll ever be ready."

Dream chuckled softly at the comment.

"Well aren't you a little comedian," Dream murmured.

He felt Dream gently grasp the knife with a soft sigh. He gripped Dream's damp trench coat tightly, preparing himself. He knew this was hurt like all hell.

"3... 2... 1...!" Dream murmured slowly.

He yanked the knife out, causing George to let out a loud screech of pain, more tears falling down his cheeks as pain flooded through his shoulder. He gripped Dream's trench coat impossibly tighter, sobbing in pain.

Something cold was pressed against the wound and slowly, the worst of the pain went away. George let out little whimpers, taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself down.

"There you go darling, good job, you did so well," Dream whispered, trying to calm the siren.

Slowly, George stopped crying and fell limp in his lover's lap, panting slightly, the pain was bearable now, allowing George to try and snuggle up closer.

"Sl-eep?" George mumbled.

"Yes sweetie, you can go to sleep, I finish patching you up and you'll be good as new!"

George smiled softly at his lover's enthusiasm, and he allowed himself to drift off into the peaceful darkness of sleep.

Dream POV:
Dream quickly wrapped up the smaller in his lap, wincing as he saw the cotton bandages already turning pink with blood.

He regretted sending George down here, if only he had sent one more person with him, then maybe this wouldn't have happened.

He let out a growl of anger, Sarah, that psychotic bitch, she will pay for what she did to my George. He didn't deserve this, I should have never told him to go to the berth.


The blonde took his eyes off of the precious siren on his lap to look up at Wilbur, who was looking at him worried.

"Yes, Wilbur?" Dream replied coldly.

"What are you gonna do?" He asked.

"First I'm taking George to the Captain's Quarters to rest, as for Sarah," Dream let out a chuckle. "As for Sarah, we will wait until the next storm, and throw her overboard."

"Until then, give her all hell,"  Dream smiled evilly under his mask.

This is gonna be so much fun~

Wc: 1093

Song: all-time low.

𝕊𝕠𝕝 💙

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