Hes back

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2 weeks later. You and Jaden decided to go shopping today ( you more likely dragged him to)
Later you and Jaden went to party of some friends. You guys don't drink alcohol because y'all need to drive, but you still have a lot of fun.

Mia: Hey y/n,Theres someone outside who wants to talk to you!
Y/N: Really, who?
Mia: I don't know him
Y/N: I'll take a Look. Thanks!

- You got to the front door and saw your ex Simon outside.

Y/N: What the fuck are you doing here?
Simon: Hey y/n
Y/N: Why are you here?
S: I told you I'll come and visit you
Y/N: And I told you I didn't want that.
S: Mhm you got really sassy
Y/N: ....
S: Cmon let's just have fun again?
Y/N: No i told you i have a boyfriend.
S: Oh yeah. Is he in there?
~ he points inside the house
Y/N: .....
S: I'll go talk to him
- he was about to go inside when you stepped in front of him.
Y/N: Don't you dare. I wont let you treat me like I'm some stupid weak girl anymore.
S: Oh but you are cutie.
~ With that he pushed you aside, so you fell on the stones.  He walked inside
- Jaden steps in front of him
J: I am.Why do you care?
S: She really went down to replace me with you.
J: Oh so you're her Crazy ex Simon?
S: Exactly.
- Jaden looks around.
J: Where's Y/N? Did you hurt her?
S: Oh i don't know she's outside, probably waiting for me.
J: What have you done to her ?
- Jaden rushed outside and saw you on your knees crying with scratches over your legs.
J: Shit y/n. Did he do that?
Y/N: Im sorry. Im so sorry
J: Shh don't be I'll fight that idiot.
Y/N: NO. Please drive home before he comes outside. You don't know what he's able to.
J: I wont leave you here alone with him. Here take my phone call Javon or Jayla, so they come and bring you to the doctor.
Y/N: No Jaden you don't understand please.
~ Jaden went back inside
* Shit why is he not listening to me.*
- You call Jayla and the police.
* They'll take too long imma go in.*
- You go inside again. All your other friends left.
* Where are they?*
- You saw Jaden laying on the ground
* OMG*
- You run up to him. You see knife stabs on his body. * WTF HAPPEND*
Y/N: Jaden im so sorry. Im so sorry.
- You hear people coming in.
Javon: Shit y/n wtf
- You see jaden bleeding like shit and you faint.

You wake up.
Y/N: Shit what happend.
Guest mom: Y/N? Omg you're finally awake.
Y/N: what?
GM: Im so sorry y/n.
- You realise what happend the other day.
GM: Sweetie he's in the hospital. Im so sorry
- You get up
Y/N: drive me there please
GM: You need to rest first.
GM: You can drive there tomorrow.
- She left your room and you freaked out

Chat with J❤️:
Y/N: Jaden?
Y/N: Im so sorry
Y/N: How are you?
Y/N: Im sorry
Y/N: I'll visit you trust me
Y/N: I love you
Y/N: Im sorry

* I can't just sit here while he's in a ducking hospital because of my stupid ex?*

- You get up and walk to Matts room.
Matt: Omg y/n
Y/N: Matt. Listen to me. You're gonna drive me to the hospital and not tell Mom okay?
Matt: y/n... she told me not to.
Y/N: Matt please you don't understand.
- Your eyes started filling with tears
Matt: Shit okay. Let's go.

You guys sneak outside in the car and drive.
Y/N: Do you know how jaden is?
Matt: No I know nothing. Just that he had a fight with someone and you saw it ig..
Y/N: My ex. He had a fight with my ex
M: wtf? You had another boyfriend here?
Y/N: Not here. In my country. He's such an psychopath.
- You tell Matt what happend
Matt: Shit
Y/N: I really didn't want him to go in there again.
Matt: Y/N stop crying it's okay. He's alive. It's not your fault alright?

You guys go in the hospital. When you get to his room you ran up to him and cried while hugging him.

Y/N: Im so sorry.
J: It's not your fault. Stop saying sorry
Y/N: It is. I should've never told him that I had a boyfriend. Ofc he would freak out.
J: He's such a dick.
Y/N: Does it hurt Bad?
J: Yeah
Y/N: Im sorry. Where's Simon?
J: I don't know. We had a fight. The people at the party left and as I was about to win he fucking attacked me with a knife.
Y/N: Shit
J: Then he ran off. I think he thought I'm death.
Y/N: Luckily you're not. Im sorry
J: It's okay. I'm just happy that you're fine.
Y/N: Ofc i am he just pushed me aside. But you..
J: Im Okay.
- he kissed you
M: that's really fucked up I'm sorry man
J: Agh it's alright. Thanks
M: Y/N im gonna drive Home. Tell me when to pick you up. Moms already gonna kill me.
- You hug Matt
Y/N: Im sorry but thank you
M: It's okay. Bye , get well soon
J: Thanks.

You and Jaden talked and cuddled for hours  till the doctor came in.
Doctor: So. The knife stabs weren't that bad, that means you can leave the hospital in like 3 days. But we need to know who did that.
Y/N: Simon Auster.
Doctor: I'm sorry. Who are you?
Y/N: Im y/n y/l/n. Jadens girlfriend and Simons ex girlfriend. He's an psychopath.
Doctor: I'll get some cops to talk to you alright?
Y/N: Yes please i want him begind bars for what he did.

- A hour later the cops came and talked with you and Jaden about what happend. After that you stayed with jaden till it got late and Matt picked you up.

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