Continued Chaos

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Shadow and Aspen leapt into the air to join Quinn. In the moments it took for the two to jump into action Eggs and the others had flown through the clouds and caught up to them. The three then formed a circle and began to spin faster then the speed of light. Everyone that was above the clouds couldn't even see who was who and nobody tried to stop them. Until they stopped spinning the only problem was they didn't and when Zeus tried to stop them he was stabbed in the heart with a Dark Ice Crystal causing him to bleed out and fall to the ground below. The unknown member of Eggs' group then stepped up and prepared an attack of Jaguars at that moments thousands of Jaguars appeared in front of them and were about to attack but once they were within five metres of the spinning trio they stopped in their tracks and backed away. Why did they do this you may ask the answer is simple.

The small group stopped spinning and landed on the clouds without sinking through that was something only Demons of Hades could do. When the smoke cleared up everyone stared in horror as the three demons joined hands with psychopathic smirks plastered across their faces.

"You finally realized that there were demons under your nose all along." Shadow asked

"What do you mean? You didn't know when Aspen mentioned you being a dark fairy." Griffin exclaimed confused

"Bitch, I knew all along Aspen over here just told me to keep on the down low. I still can't believe you guys didn't realize that no one can finish the training we all did as fast as Aspen and I did for the "FIRST" time. It's Impossible!" Shadow laughed psychopathically

"You guys are so dumb." Quinn said stepping forward holding Aspen's hand and the three demon's outfits transformed as they hopped onto the next cloud to the right.

Quinn in her Outfit:

Shadow in their Outfit:

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Shadow in their Outfit:

Shadow in their Outfit:

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Aspen in their Outfit:

Everyone's jaws hit the floor as the trio jumped from one cloud to another until they reached the cloud Bentley, Korbin, Eggs, Griffin, Stewart, Ace, and Sage where on and when they jumped onto their cloud the others tried to move but they couldn'...

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Everyone's jaws hit the floor as the trio jumped from one cloud to another until they reached the cloud Bentley, Korbin, Eggs, Griffin, Stewart, Ace, and Sage where on and when they jumped onto their cloud the others tried to move but they couldn't they where frozen in place.

"I put you all into an Frosty Trance, and you will stay like that until you agree that you'll make these overly what's the word... EXCESSIVE Bodyguards to leave." Quinn teased as she walked around Eggs with a sly smirk streching across her face. "Fine. YO, EVERYONE GO BACK TO OLYMPUS WE CAN HANDLE THIS!" Eggs shouted to the other gods in a annoyed tone. "Good. Now we can get this party started." Quinn said slyly as she snapped her fingers

Griffin quickly charged through the air with his blade and just as he was about to make contact with Quinn Aspen swept Griffin's feet out from right under him. "Well that was weak." Shadow said laughing "I agree." Aspen said as they tilted their body to the side "Come at us." Quinn said pulling a heart shaped bottle from her belt. Stewart then charged towards Quinn to test her strength and to study her movements but just as he was about to spin behind her she turned around quick as a flash "Try me." Quinn said as Aspen grabbed him and threw him backwards.

"Y'all take forever." Shadow yawned

"Oh yeah wanna bet we have Y/N on our side." Bentley said with a smile

"Like Y/N is gonna do anything." Shadow said rolling their eyes

"Actually they will, and it'll hurt like a BITCH!" Bentley replied sharply

Y/n's Outfit:

"You sure you wanna do this? I will beat your asses no sweat

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"You sure you wanna do this? I will beat your asses no sweat." Y/N implied smirking

"Sureeee." The trio responded all together

"Wanna bet" Y/N smirked

"Sure." the trio replied sharply

"Aight, you asked for it." Y/N smiled

Y/N then proceded to teleport behind the trio giving them all smacks in the back of their heads for fun, they then swiftly punched each group member two thousand times in their stomachs leaving them all winded. They then threw thirty ninja stars at each trio member pinning them all to the ground well all except one Quinn somehow managed to dodge every single star, then seeing Y/N open she had jumped behind them and stabbed the back of their legs though that was not enough to keep Y/N down for they jumped up in the air as if they had never been injured Quinn glaced at what was supposed to be Y/N's injury just in time to see it heal in moments even the blood that leaked through their leggings was gone.

"How?!" Quinn asked

"Simple. I rewinded time just enough for me to dodge and prevent your attack from injuring me without you noticing. It's really quite fun especially when your an even bigger psychopath than the person your facing in battle." Y/N Smirked as they glanced at their nails.

"You see I'm the ancient god muderer Y/N. But you probably couldn't understand that so let me make it easy for your stupid little brain to understand. I'm the Bad Bitch that you looked up to for inspiration when you where just a tiny tot." Y/N said with a cold and emotionless grin on their face.

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