Chapter 11 - The Bad boy

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Sorry I havent updated in a while, I was depressed this week because Justin Bieber came to Ireland and I didn't have tickets. On a brighter note, I met Cody Simpson! 

Besy Day Ever.

Anywho, mind voting? and I'd love to hear your feeback so feel free to comment!



My dad never came back down stairs, to help me choose what to tell the police. He didn't even come down to wish me luck. No, he just stayed upstairs on mourned on what, I don't know. None of the guys knew anything about this situation still, except for Louis. Lou didn't tell me what to do either he just said, and I quote, 'You'll know what to do'. Yes I know what I SHOULD do, but can I? That was the real question. I knew Harry was really keen on knowing. Complained almost the whole night. I never told him though. 

Dylan has dropped me to the station, and told me he would wait for my to come out, unlucky for him, when I come out I'll probably be in tears. A few minutes later, two guards came and led me into a small White room with a mirror hung on one of the Walls. I knew, from watching movies and CSI that it was probably only a one-sided mirror and that from the other side that you could see into the room, like looking into a tinted window. 

I toke small breaths as I waited for the questionnaire to come and question me on what happened last night, I guess. Breathe in and out, in and out, I told myself. I felt like I was hyperventilating. 

Suddenly, the door opened. I released a small breath that I hadn't realised I had been holding. Oh God. 

"Hello, nice to meet you, Ms.Emerson, I'm detective Davison of the FBI." he told me showing me his badge, then shaking my hand. I toke my time to answer, taking in his appearance. He was gorgeous. His body was well built, defined and tanned. You could see that he worked our a lot. He wore a shirt that was so tight that you could see his sexy six-pack that lay under it. Oh man, I would. Definitely. Without question. 

Shut up, Focus Emer. 

"Ms. Emerson, Where were you on the last night- the 16th of this month?" he asked Immediatly. My eyebrows furrowed. This is the questioning? They think I killed him. 

"At home." 

"Is there anyone who can confirm that, Anyone who was with you?" he asked. 

"Yes, Several." I told him. 

"Right, Who? Full names please." he toke out a Pen and a notepad, then he stared at me waiting for me to continue. 

"Right, Dylan Emerson, Ross Halpen, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Hor-" 

"Miss this is no time for jokes!" he cut me off.  

"I'm not joking! I swear!" I exclaimed. 

"Miss, you do know I can throw you in jail for a night for not co-operating".My eyes widened. 

"But I'm not lying!" I argued. He cleared he throat and stood up.  

"I think we're done here." he paused before continuing, "Guards!" he turned to walk out the door. 

"Wait, Please!" I pleaded. He turned to face me. 

"You have got to believe me! I can sue! I have done nothing wrong." he ignored me and walked out the door. I frowned, then realised that I would be spending the night in a jail cell.  

"Oh God," I gasped. The guards came up from behind me, each taking one of my arms and pulling me up forcefully. 

"Ow! Could you be gentle? I bruise like a peach." I paused. "You know what, You can just take your Grimey little hands off me." I struggled to get out of their grip. It was no use. They continued to ignore me then dragged me out of the room.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2013 ⏰

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