Chapter 10 - Decisions

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Holy motherfucking shit. Wanna know what happend to me today?

Okay, So i missed school so I could get up at 5:15 so i could go que for Olly Murs wristbands so I could meet him on Wednesday. So I get up and go to Dundrum and they turn around and say That they were onsale on Friday?

WHAT THE FUCK? I'm actually so annoyed. On top of that, sevral people told my friend that they were onsale on Friday but they never told me, so I hadnt a clue. She completely ignored them and went today instead? 



"They're bringing me in for questioning tomorrow." I told Dylan, biting my lip. 

"Questioning? What?" Harry interjected. Whoops, forgot that they werent aware with what was  

happening right now.. 

"Who?" Dylan asked, ignoring Harry. 

"What are you guys talking about?" Niall asked. 

"Agent Davison of the FBI." I told him, mimicking the stupid mans voice. 

"FBI?" Zayn murmured to himself. 

"What why?" Dylan asked confused. "You called the police? Wait, scratch that, you called the FBI?" Dylan questioned, gob-smacked. I shook my head. 

"Guys?" Liam called, trying to get our attention.  

"Theyre not gonna answer ya" Ross told him. 

"They found Toby." I told him softly.  

"They found Toby!? How d-" Dylan started. 

"SHUT UP AND ANSWER US! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Louis shouted. I flinched at the volume of his voice. I looked up at Dylan, silently asking wheither we should tell them or not. He shook his head. 

"Guys, I think it's time for you to go." Dylan told them, his voice raised. 

"Yeah, I gotta go anyway.." Ross told us, standing up. Finally. 

"What? No! I'm not leaving til yous tell me what going on." Harry said. I frowned. 

"Harry, it's none of our business." Liam interjected. 

"No, he's right to an extent. He shouldn't have to leave...but it isn't any of his business." I forced laugh. Harry frowned. 

"So it's settled, we arent leaving." Louis smiled, flopping down on the couch.  

"Oh, We aren't?" Ross asked, getting ready to sit back down. 

"Too bad you have to go, Ross." I fake-smiled, motioning for him to leave. 

"Why do you say that?" He asked me cockily. 

"You said so yourself." I smirked. Yeah, Get the fuck out of my house, Bitch. 

"You did say that," Niall sided with me. I grinned. 

"Well, See Ya!" I chirped happily watching him grumbling, walking out the door. 

"So, Your dad and my mom is leaving work early, they're picking up Ava too. They wanna talk to you." Dylan told me awkwardly. I nodded.  

"Great." I muttered sarcastically. "Just Great." 

Not long after, Dad, Rachel and Ava arrived. 

"Emer!" Ava squealed, running into my arms. I forced a smile. 

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