Chapter 36

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I close up another box and set the tape down as Ever comes running over to hit the box. "Done!" She cheers making me laugh. "Yes, very soon" I tell her. She nods pushing another smaller box over next to the one I have.

"Is papa coming?" She asks laying over the smaller box. "Yes. He's finishing up at work then he's going to come help us finish packing" I smile picking her up and setting her on the box. She sits, giving me a toothy smile.

Her feet swing back and forth before suddenly stopping. "Going... where we going?" She takes a minute to get her words out. I squat in front of her grabbing her tiny hands in mine.

"Do you remember where we've been staying? In papa's house?" I ask and she nods. "Well we're moving in with him there... permanently" I try to keep it simple for her. "Why?" She asks the next question tilting her head to the side.

"I love Memphis and I want to be by him... we're going to be a lot safer as well. There's some crazy things going on." I explain trying not to scare her.

"So we leaving heuh?" She asks looking around the bare walls that use to be decorated with pictures. "Yeah..." I trail off not sure I wanted to let it sink in. I brought Ever home from the hospital alone. This is where I brought her.

She sat in the carrier on the floor right here facing me as I cried silently on the couch. She was fast asleep and I was so scared for what the future was going to bring us. "Forevuh?" She asks slipping off the box her eyes wide and turning glossy.

"I think so" I whisper. "I going miss home" she whispers back and I nod. "Me too" I sigh watching her turn to run into her once lively room. I continue to watch as she looks around curious. Not believing it was as empty as it was.

A knock on the door startles me and Ever comes running out a smile on her face as she cheers for Papa. I go for the door opening it wide. My smile drops as I try to slam it shut again.

"Ever hide!" I scream at the girl who loudly cries at my tone before running away. I use all my force to try and slam it shut on the arms fighting their way in.

My hand went to my pocket as I fumbled with the phone trying to dial 911. "Move out of the way" a very loud voice booms as I give up with the phone and slam my fist on the hands trying to get in, cursing and shouting, scared for my child.

Within seconds a harder force is slammed against the door sending me stumbling. Where's Ever. What do I do? Lead them away? Protect her. There is a group to them. I immediately recognize Ryan.

"You've been giving us a lot of trouble" a big man chuckles as one of the girls scoffs. Wasn't there two girls... she's not here. There's another guys too? Katherine and Angelina where's the other one. Ever?!

I grip my phone that I had been trying to bash someone hands with and hurry to call 911. Somebody runs forwards and I sprint away barely making it far as I'm grabbed by the collar and thrown back. "Night time" the man chuckles reeling his fist back.

I try to hit first but I'm swatted down by someone else before getting a fist to the face. Everything goes fuzzy. I stumble trying to grab at things. "Woah he's still up" a man's voice laughs as I continue clawing at the wall in an attempt to find my daughter. She needs to run. Hide!

"Give it a second" the biggest guy who had punched me cracks his knuckles as I'm pushed over by two fingers. I blink and the fight to keep my eyes open becomes harder as I try to crawl away.

My head is pounding and ringing all at the same time. I close my eyes for a second of rest. The ability to open them again gone.

"There we go"


There's a sharp pain against my cheek and I jolt up and away wanting away from whatever caused it. With a groan my head drops but I quickly bring it back up trying to wipe my eyes only to find my hands restricted behind me.

I open my eyes to find I am no longer at home and that's when reality set in. I hurry to try and rip whatever was holding my hands off of me. Bearing my teeth I grunt as I continue to fight it. Ever.

"Ever! Ever!" My eyes search for her in this seeming to be abandoned building. Maybe she got away... or maybe they knocked her out bad- she's still asleep.

"He's up!" The one women alerts the others. Soon there's is a rush of people coming down the stairs. I look around the room just to see concrete. Concrete floor. Walls. An occasional box here and there. There also seemed to be makeshift beds with blankets and sleeping bags. A few rotted disgusting windows.

"Where's my daughter!" I yell still trying to look, as they walked closer. I eyed them finding it hard with one of my eyes, unable to open it fully. My face hurts in general. There are three guys and one girl. Maybe the other one has Ever?

"Tell me now you psychopathic sons of bitches! Where's my fucking daughter!" I yell loudly, thrashing myself around. "Suddenly the office man doesn't seem so calm" the smallest of the guys, not Ryan, speaks up. He is very thin and something about him gave off a sneaky and eerie feeling. He is dark. His hair, his eyes. Even his emotions gave off anger and darkness as he laughs at my desperation for my girl.

"Please I'll do whatever just give me my daughter" I sigh dropping my head. "She's dead" my heart stops as I stare at the floor momentarily before sitting back up. "What- you're not- you're kidding! What! Stop no no no! Why!? What did she do! She is only four!?" I scream the little tears that had been building up were now streaming down my cheeks as I choked on my sobs.

"She would have been a liability and- and a hazard" the girl speaks up as I shake my head not believing them. "No no no no" I repeat over and over again my chest hurting. "You're lying!" I scream finally looking up again.

"Nah big guy over here was a little too rough with his hands" Ryan slaps his friend's shoulder as he chuckles nervously. "I was just trying to make her quiet down mate, I'm sorry" he apologizes to me!?

"Are you serious!? Did you really just say sorry for killing my daughter!? My everything!? My life!? She is my baby. She's my little girl. She love flowers and she loves to compliment people and she loves swimming. She is a person" I scream at them. "Was" the thinnest man clicks his tongue obviously enjoying this. I drop my head as I sob loudly.

She was probably so scared! Was she screaming for me!? Could she see me!? Did she think I had just left her!? What if she thought I had left her!? I should have done better! I should have fought harder! Is she still in the house is Memphis going to find her dead body... of my god.

She's not really dead. She can't be. We have so much to do still. She was going to go to kindergarten and I would be able to help plan play dates.

"How could you!" I cry out again ignoring their yelling to shut me up. She was probably crying and screaming and they just kept going. "You heartless fucks!" I scream looking up again.

I look to the man responsible for it and just release all the hate I had with my words ripping and tearing at the ropes holding me. She's so small- was he just choking her? Did he snap her neck!? "Fuck!" I scream ignoring all the pain I felt.

"I can't deal with this shit- we should have lied now he's going to be emotional" the girl sighs turning for the stairs. Cold blooded murderers.

I just want to see her. At least one more time. I should have done something! I shouldn't have brought her back with me... I'll do anything please. Let me see her- or tell her I love her. Did she suffer... did I sleep through her screams?

I choke on my tears again but refuse to open my eyes. I didn't want to see anything else. At least with my eyes closed I could imagine my baby still giggling in front of me about lizards and flowers. Hugging her doll tightly and begging me to come dance with her.

"Somebody shut him up!" One of the guys yells but I refuse to be quiet as I mourn my child. I could hear somebody in front of me but I don't open my eyes and just scream and curse wanting this all to be a dream.

My misery is ended as I'm hit across the head. I don't bother fighting it this time I let the darkness come me.

I don't have anything to protect anymore.

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