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You should be careful sometimes getting close to people means you have to pay the price~








"Nami!" Ussop yelled (those people with masks...) Nami thought ignoring Ussop's call "hey, Nami! " Ussop called again "hey! Some pirates are starting a ruckus at Dock 1!" A random random guy said "what is that true? We'd better get there right away!" A random guy said as they went passed you guys.


A guy with blonde hair was working as a pirate was next to him as he said "I don't get what you mean sir" the blonde haired man said to the pirate captain as the pirate said "need me to talk slow for you?" "I thought about it carefully well, it's true that you guys repaired our ship, but no matter how I looked at it, I thought the fee was too high" the pirate said.

"Your interrupting our work" the blonde guy said simply "I'm not paying a single berry for the work you did" the pirate said as he laughed with his crew "thanks for the repairs on top of that! It was free" one of his crew said People outside the wooden fence backed up for two people to go by it was a woman and a man the man petted the mouse.

"Well, Kalifa, what's going on over here?" The man asked the woman supposed to be Kalifa "yes, Mr. Icebarg. They're the customers for Dock 1" she said putting her glasses up "now that the work has been completed, they won't pay" Kalifa said showing the pirate captain's bounty "that's sexual harassment" she said "well... That is sexual harassment" he said.

The pirate's were laughing they continued laughing "sir, it'd be wise not to tease shipwrights like that" the blonde guy said but a huge log came in contact with the pirate captain's head as the pirate captain fell to the ground "captain!" Some of the crew members said "oops! Pardon me" the guy that hit the Pirate captain with the log.

"You son of a bitch! Watch carefully where you're going!" A guy from the pirate captain's crew said a huge saw of some sort hit the guy that said that "oops! Sorry" the guy that hit the guy said "hey! You pick'n a fight!" One of the guys from the pirate's crew said.


"Now we're finally going to go to the shipbuilding island by using a water gate elevator" Nami said smiling "oohh! That seems interesting" you thought putting your hand on your chin "a water gate elevator?" Luffy said "it's that tower we're looking for" she said "attention everyone! The elevator will go to the shipbuilding island, shipbuilding plant, and downtown Water 7!" A woman shouted.

"Please hurry inside the gate!" The woman shouted again "what'll happen inside?" Luffy said "maybe something... CRAZY!" You said as Luffy chuckled abit "this is why your going to be my queen Y/n!" Luffy said looking back at you with love sick eyes as he giggled a bit causing him to caress your cheek as your cheeks turned red


as Nami and Ussop looked at the two (what's wrong with Luffy?) Ussop thought "stop that Luffy!" Nami shouted throwing her show at Luffy hitting him in the head "ow! Why did you do that?" Luffy asked growling a bit "because you were way to close for comfort!" Nami said as You looked away and covered your face as Luffy ignored Nami and held your hand as you turned a bit more red.


"Hey! Moss head!" Sanji called out to Zoro "who you calling 'moss head'?" Zoro said "hey, you awake?" Sanji asked Zoro as Zoro opened his eyes "did you see Y/n?" Sanji asked Zoro as he had heart eyes "yeah? Why?" Zoro asked "she was so beautiful!! Her beautiful e/c and her h/c! Isn't she special!"
Sanji said with heart eyes.



"Yeah keep saying that idiot cook!" Zoro said "shut up moss head!" Sanji shouted as the two were now fighting

Luffy, Y/n, Nami, and Ussop were soon at Dock 1

"What's with the people over there?" Ussop asked "let's go check it out! Go, Yagara!" Luffy said as he still held onto your hand "so this is the World's No. 1 shipyard! Downtown Water 7!" Luffy said "as expected, I see more ground around here" Ussop said "everything is HUGE!" Luffy said.

"what's with that crowd?" Nami asked.

"Hey mister what's happening here?" Luffy asked the man as they were off the Yagara boat "yeah it seems some pirates caused trouble at this here Dock 1. But well, it ended when the craftsmen knocked them down" the man said.

"woah! So shipwrights can fight pirates?" Luffy asked "oh! You must be a voyager that crowd's well, busybodies those shipwrights at the Galley-La Company are admired by all they're strong they're technically our celebrities" the man said. "I'm looking forward to meeting them!" Luffy said happily "hey, Luffy!" Ussop called out as he fell to the ground backwards.

"Let's go to the money changing shop we can come back here later" Nami said ignoring Ussop You helped him up "thanks Y/n! " Ussop said glaring at Nami.



"Your welcome!" You said smiling at Ussop who blushed Luffy immediately grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him you were a bit taller/shorter then him "Luffy!" You said "what! I did nothing wrong?" He said giving you the puppy eyes "f-fine!" You said "yay!" Luffy said his arms around your waist.


He was just sleeping on the ship as people came onto the ship while he was sleeping they all walked up to him with weapons one person tried to attack but to be blocked by Zoros sword "I thought we were going to kill  you in your sleep" the person said "who are you, bastards?" Zoro asked

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