Chapter 5

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After Skyler left stile's house she went home she knew about the party she just didn't feel like going to it and besides, it's not her kinda thing. As Skyler walked in she put her bike helmet on the table near the door and order some pizza as she was waiting for the food to get here she see out the corner of her eyes Derek looking at her through her kitchen window she jumps back in surprise. She looks back to the window to find him gone. She walked towards the window and stuck her head out to see where he could have gone, after looking for a while she sighs and look up to the full moon silently hoping that what stiles said was wrong.

She hears the doorbell ringing She opens the door and gives the pizza man the money after she closed the door she went upstairs to my bed with the pizza box. As she Open the box she could feel that something was pulling at her so she looked out the window towards the full moon that was almost at its peak. she started sweating as her breathing quickened barely able to take a deep breath. She held her head in her hands in pain as she got up and walked to her bathroom like a switch her senses suddenly dialed up to 11 it was so bad she thought she was going to pass out.

An immense pain comes from her gums causing her to open her mouth. She looked up in the mirror to see that her eyes are now a golden yellow and both her top and bottom teeth are now sharpened. A pain in her hands catches her attention as she looked down and sees that her nails have grown into sharp claws. She can feel her ears grow into a sharp point she growls at the image of herself in the mirror as her bloodlust hits its peak. She looks up towards the door and hears someone knocking.

"Go away," Skyler says

"Skylar it's me," stiles said

"Stiles," Skyler Says as she snaps back to reality focusing on her heartbeat she takes a deep breath to calm down her heartbeat. She could feel her bloodlust going down not a lot but enough for her to concentrate on something other than the urge to kill. She could feel her ears and teeth go back to normal. Skyler walked over and opened the door to reveal a confused look on stiles' face.

"Are you alright is it happening to you too?" stiles asks

"Yeah but I'm fine now, I don't know how I'm able to control it but I am though I'm having a little bit of trouble," Skyler says as she holds up her hands showing stiles that her claws are still out.

"I'm guessing the same thing is happening to scoot also?" Skyler asks

"Yeah but he doesn't have as much control as you do he jumped out his window a few minutes before I came here. I sigh as I look out the window "okay ill go find Scott see you tomorrow" I say as I close the door and jump out the window. I find Scott and Derek arguing.


"Is it really so bad Scott that you can see better and hear more clearly and move faster than any human could ever hope?" Derek asks as Skyler walks up to them.

"The both of you have been given something that most people would kill for, the bite is a gift," Derek says to the both of them.

"I don't want it," Scott says

"You will, both of you and you're gonna need me if you want to learn how to control it," Derek says

"So you, me, and Skyler we're family now" Derek continues as he puts a hand on Scott's shoulder and walks away.

"Come on Scott we need to get home," Skyler says as she helps Scott up and starts walking. A few hours later stiles' jeep pulls up beside us and we get in.

"You know what actually worries me the most?" Scott asks.

"If you say Allison I'm gonna punch you in the head" Skyler lets out a small laugh as stiles look at Scott.

"She probably hates me now," Scott says

"Ugh, I doubt that but you might wanna come up with a pretty amazing apology," Skyler says

"Or you know you could just tell her the truth and revel in the awesomeness of the fact that you're a fricking werewolf" stiles jumps in. "Okay bad idea," Stiles says as he gets a look from both Scott and Skyler.

"Hey well get through this come on if I have to ill chain you both up myself on full moon nights and feed you live mice I had a boa once I could do it," stiles says "tho I might not have to do it with Skylar I had went to go see her after you jumped out your window and she had way more control than you did," stiles says.


"Scott, what's wrong are you okay?" Skyler asks as she walks up to him and sees a scared look in his eye.

"Allison's dad is one of the hunters that were after me last matter of fact he was the one that shot an arrow through my arm," Scott says as they walk toward the boy's locker room.

"Wow that's a predicament did he recognize you?" Skyler asks

"No, at least I don't think so," Scott says

"Ok that's good talk we'll about this later," Skyler says as they come up to the boy's locker room "see you on the field Scott" Skyler says as she walks away.

(A/N) I honestly don't know why this took so long but here it is. I hope you enjoy this chapter if people are reading this.

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