Chapter 1

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(A/N Thinking is bold and the other stuff is regular)

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing I groan as I reach for my phone I let out another groan as I read the screen "what the hell does stiles want this late at night". A sigh let's out my mouth as I answer the phone "what stiles" I say "Hey, guess what I just heard over the phone between my dad and some police officers" stiles asked "what did you hear" I say "They found a body in the woods" he says " Ok and, why did you feel the need to tell me that" I say " Because I want you me and Scott to go look for it" he says. " why would we go looking for a body if the cops already found it" I said in confusion " Because they only found half of the body, so you coming with" he asks I sigh as I rub my fingers on my forehead " sure why not I'm already up anyway's" I answer " Yes!! Alright I'm outside" he says "Okay" I hung up the phone as I got out of bed and started to get ready when I finished I got out of my house and got in stiles rusty old jeep.

(Time skip)

          Me and stiles are at Scott's house, right now I'm still in the car while stiles is (for some of reason) on the roof. A few minutes late Scott come out with a bat and stiles hangs down from the roof both screaming "Stiles what the hell are you doing? Scott asks "You weren't answering your phone" stiles exclaims " why do you have a bat" stiles asks in confusion " I thought you were a predator" Scott says while placing the bat down "A pre" stiles scoffs " look I know it's late but you gotta hear this I saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago. Dispatch called they're bringing in every officer from the beacon department and even state police" stiles says. "For what?" Scott asks "two joggers found a body in the woods" stiles tells Scott while getting down from the roof. "A dead body?" Scott asks stiles looks at him dumbfounded " No a body of water, yes dumbass a dead body" stiles says while jumping in the porch "You mean like murdered?" Scott asks " Nobody knows yet just know it was a girl probably in her 20s" stiles answers "hold on if they found the body, then what are they looking for" Scott asks " that's the best part, they only found half" stiles says Scott looks at stiles " we're going" stiles tells Scott " well if I'm going then skyler's going too" Scott says " already got her in the car".

(In the woods)

      Stiles drives up to the beacon hills preserve me, Scott and stiles hops out of the vehicle " we're seriously doing this?" Scott asks "You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town" stiles replies while getting a flashlight out and Turing it on I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow" Scott says as all three of us start walking " Right cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort" stiles says sarcastically " No because I'm playing this year in fact I'm making first line" Scott says "Hey that's the spirit, everyone should have a dream even a pathetically unrealistic one" stiles says " You don't have to be mean stiles I believe in you Scott" Skyler says " thanks Sky" Scott says " Just out of curiosity which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asks "Huh I didn't even think about that" stiles says "And what if whoever killed the body is still out here?" Skyler asks "Also something I didn't think about" stiles says " it's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail" Scott says "I know" stiles says " maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight,huh?" Scott says while taking out his inhaler and taking a few puffs. Me, Scott and stiles gets down as we see police officers stiles gets up and runs towards them "Hey come on! Stiles!" Scott says and goes after him with me following "wait up! Stiles!" Scott says "Stiles!" Skyler exclaims. Stiles stops running and gets scared it the k9 and falls on the floor "Hold it right there!" The police officers says while me and Scott hide behind some trees "Hang on hang on this little delinquent belongs to me" stiles dad says " Dad how are you doing?" Stiles asks " so do you uh listen in to all of my phone calls?" Noah asks "No..not the boring ones" stiles says " Now where's your usual partner's in crime?" Noah asks " who Scott and Skyler Scott's home he said that he wanted to get a good nights sleep for the first day back at school tomorrow and Skyler said the same thing it's just me in the woods alone " Scott, Skyler your out there?" Noah asks as he points his flashlight around. Me and Scott ducks back behind the tree "well young man I'm gonna walk you back to your car and you and i are gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy" Noah says.

            Me and Scott starts walking when Scott's about to take another puff of is inhaler a whole bunch of deers start running towards us and we both fall as Scott drops his inhaler me and Scott gets up from the ground as Scott realizes he dropped his inhaler Scott takes out a light from his phone and starts to look  around with me behind him " Ah" me and Scott exclaims as we see a dead body we jump back in surprise cause both of us to fall don't a hill as we reach the bottom me and Scott gets back up in pain " you alright Scott" I asks " yeah you?" He asks " Yeah I'm fine" we start walking we stop as we here growling behind us we both look around to see a big hairy thing on all fours with red glowing eyes it jumps towards us and pins Scott to the ground it bites Scott on the side "ahhh!" Scott yells in pain I grab a stick from of the ground and stabs it in the creature's back it howls in pain then bites me in then thigh "Ahhh!" I tell me and Scott both run away not looking where either of us where looking we ran in the middle of the street a car swerves by us as we watch it continue driving Scott lifts up his jacket and shirt to look at his bite while I lift my pants leg to look at mines we look back into the woods at we hear howling. Me and Scott both go home to clean and patch up the bite wound.

(A/N) (I don't know why this took so long I was planing to publish it at 1:00 sorry for the wait)

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