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Yoohyeon's POV

"Where's Minji?" Yubin asked before sitting down across from me with her girlfriend. We're currently at the school's cafeteria.

"She's doing something, she'll be here soon" I informed them. They both nodded.

"Hey" I lifted my head to look at Yubin before nodding at her.

"Did you really think I was into her before? Sorry, I know we had some misunderstandings before.. but Minji has been my roommate for a long time and I just can't help but to feel the need to protect her at any cause" I gave her a small smile before shaking my head.

"Yeah.. I thought about it. I would've done the same thing. It's all cool" I replied. She held her hand infront of me. I looked at it before shaking her hand.

"Then let's get along from now on" She said. I smiled before nodding at her.

"Heey.. have you guys been waiting long?" I smiled as soon as I felt a hand on my neck and a wet kiss on my cheeks.

"Hm-mh. Just right, did you finish everything?" I asked my girlfriend before tucking in some ofher hair behind her ear.

She nodded before grabbing my hand and intertwining it together.

"Annyeong Yubin and Dongie~" She greeted them after straightening her back. The couple greeted her back.

"Hey, do you want to watch a movie later?" I whispered to her.

"I'd love to" She looked at me with her eyes full of excitement. I smiled before nodding.

"Guys.. we'll head out.." I gave the couple an apologetic smile. The both nodded.

"Alright, you guys take care" Yubin said before waving at us.

We walked pass the auditorium, she stopped me.

"The parking is that way, hyeon" She said while tugging on my shirt. I smiled at her cuteness.

"Ani.. I want to show you something" I said. She raised hey eyebrows at me.

"hm? What is it?" She asked.

"Come follow me" I said before dragging her infront of the secret place.

"O..ok. Great painting.." She said while looking at the painted walls. I chuckled before sliding the secret door. She tugged on my shirt again before stopping me.

"Wait.. huh?" She gasped. I smiled.

"come inside, baby" She slowly made her way inside the secret theater. I closed the sliding door behind her.

"Has this been here for a while?!? Wait.. how'd you know this place exists??" She asked. I shushed her by pecking her lips and making her sit.

"Ok.. so, my father and Seulgi's father designed this school and they told us about these secret places they made around the school" She looked at me, shocked at what I just said.

"Wait.. so Narnia must be real as well??" I knitted my eyebrows before looking at her.

"How'd you know about.. Narnia?" I asked.

"Well.. there was a rumor about it and how Seulgi kept all her arts in there" I smiled before nodding.

"Yes, that's real as well. Actually, there's about 5 secret rooms in total but they only told us about the two" I said. She nodded before resting her head on my shoulder.

"That's really cool" She said before leaving a wet kiss on my jaw.

"So.. shall we watch a movie?" I asked. She smiled before poking my cheeks.

"sounds good"

As soon as the movie started, I can't help but to admire her beauty even under the light. Only the light from the screen illuminating her face but I can still capture what.. heaven looks like through her.

I wonder how long this relationship will last. With her on my side and us enjoying moments like this. I sure hope it does. I frowned after seeing a single tear escaping her pretty eye. I immediately wiped it before pausing the movie.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

She shook her head before leaning in to hug me. I hugged her back tightly before rubbing her back calmly.

"Tell me.." I said.

"It's just.. the movie resonated with me. With us.. Hyeon.. Thank you for understanding and for taking me as I am, I love you so much" I melted after hearing her say that.

"Sh.. don't cry. I love you so much too. Shall we pick a different movie?" I asked.

She pulled away before shaking her head.

"I want to finish this one" She said. I nodded before kissing her forehead.

"Can you kiss me.. right now?" I looked at her surprised from her command.

"Of course babe, I'd love to" I said teasingly before leaning in to capture her lips.

The next thing we know, her body is on top of mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she started grinding, my lips travelled down to her neck and to her chest. I started unbottoning her top while leaving wet kisses on her neck.

"You better not back away this time, Kim Yoohyeon" She warned before hungrily kissing me lips.

You bet I won't, Kim Minji.

End of Yoohyeon's POV


- the....... end.

- thank you so much for reading! I'll see you in my future fics!

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