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【   chapter ₀₂.  】

⎯⎯ ୨ the park ୧ ⎯⎯

I tried calling the number Bruce had given me about five times in the past couple days, but the motels phone was too old and dirty to keep a conversation with someone.

My dad must've had left a sticky note at some point explaining that he was leaving for a little, and he'd be back very soon. He was just getting some help.

I took a deep breath as I stepped out of the old motel and into the hot summer air. The town was quiet, and the streets were empty. It was like a ghost town. I remembered how Bruce told me it was more lonely on this side of town, and most people were by the grab n go.

I walked down the deserted street, my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. Every rustle of leaves, every creak of a door made me jump.

I finally arrived at the park, and I was relieved to see that there were a few people there. A game of baseball being played, and a couple was sitting on a bench, talking quietly. Beside the couple was a seperated bench that'd give me a good view of the game that was going on.

I walked around the park, taking in the sights and sounds. The grass was overgrown, and the trees were tall and spindly. There was a sense of decay that hung over everything.

I sat down on the same bench from before, watching the kids play. They were laughing and shouting, carefree and happy. I felt a pang of jealousy. I missed being surrounded by friends and family back at the old house, but now I spend my free time either reading in the motel room or chatting it up with the receptionist.

Suddenly, a shadow fell over me. I looked up to see a tall man standing in front of me. He was wearing a dark suit and sunglasses, and he had a cold, calculating look on his face. He didn't seem to notice me whatsoever, but he was right in front of me. He turned and looked towards rhe game, blocking my view.

I felt a knot form in my stomach. This man was trouble. I could sense it.

I heard a bunch of ruckus from the field and rolled my eyes, tilting my body so I could see where he was covering my view.

The man finally walked away, not a word nor a reaction even from the game.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and stood up. It was time to leave this park. It was too dangerous to stay here.

Before I passed the gate of the field, I heard multiple boys yelling out the name, "Bruce" a bunch of times.

I looked over and to my luck, I was met with the same boys eyes from the grab n' go. He grinned and waved me over.

I walked up awkwardly smiling, giving him a quick congratulations and how I didn't know he played baseball.

"Well, maybe if you called me like you said you would..." he dragged on, before letting out a laugh.

"I tried!" I exclaimed, "This stupid motels phone never works,"

"Uh huh, sure," he muttered, jokingly.

Before I could respond, Bruce averted his attention to a boy who was also in a baseball uniform except different team.

"Hey dude," he smiled, "man, your arm is mint."

𝙈𝙍𝙎. 𝙈𝘼𝙂𝙄𝘾 ・❥・f. blakeWhere stories live. Discover now