Spin The Bottle

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After waking up from his beautiful dream, Foxy rolled his stiff shoulders and stumbled to the dining room - only to trip over Bonnie's outstretched leg.

"Oops. Sorry!" Bonnie snickered, crossing his legs. "But nonetheless, I hope you had a nice fall."

Chica elbowed the grinning man in the ribs and smiled. "Hey, Foxy! We're playing spin the bottle. It's my turn!" she chirped, placing a finger on the end of the bottle and letting it spin.

Foxy could have sworn he saw Bonnie's hand touch the bottle, as it stopped right next to him - and pointing directly to Foxy. Giggling, Chica leaned forwards.

Foxy kept himself from hiding his lips and quickly pecked Chica on the end of her mouth, giving her a sad glance. She slyly gave him an understanding look and smiled. "Hey, Foxy, it's your turn!"

Shy, the fox-human-hybrid spun the bottle, closing his eyes and hoping for someone he liked - damn, even Bonnie would do at this point, and they weren't exactly the best of friends.

"Hey! Pucker up, boy, I'm comin' in!"

Foxy blushed as Freddy leaned forwards, his blue eyes glittering. In a trance, the fox kissed him, but much deeper than he intended, pushing the bear to his back.

"F-F-Foxy?!" Freddy gasped.

Cheeks as red as his hair, the fox-boy stood up, wiping the tears from his cheeks. "I-I-I'm sorry, Freddy, matey... I just... I need to go." He whispered, storming into Pirate's Cove, ignoring the cries from behind him.

The young fox sobbed himself back to sleep.



As you have noticed, this chapter does not have 'Dream' in the title. Any chapters without 'Dream' in the title are not dreams, but real life.

Thanks for reading, guys!


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