Hey guys and guts!
I'm Pancake Toast. My other names aaaaareeeee:
Kitty say Meow
Halloween Haunter

I'm known as Pancake Toast on Town of Salem and here on Wattpad. My main goal in life is to make everyone smile.
~# Music is everywhere. Without music, what would we hear? #~
I love The Yogscast, Cryaotic, Minecraft, The Sims 4, Prison Architect, Don't starve and many other games and youtubers.
>( If you had 5 seconds left, I know you'd spend it smiling, because otherwise, that's 5 seconds wasted )<

Background: http://i.imgur.com/KPsYG2N.jpg
Profile pic: http://colbaltwires.deviantart.com/art/Grumpy-Scientist-471505628
  • Britain
  • EntrouSeptember 19, 2014


Última mensagem
lillyfroo lillyfroo Dec 30, 2014 03:52PM
YO SUGARBUTTS!**Clears throat** Sorry. Uhh, so, umm... yeah. Yesterday was my birthday! Woohoo!
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Histórias de Pancake Toast
Taking Back Control, de lillyfroo
Taking Back Control
The Goo lied to him. It told him that he had no name, no purpose, that all he had to do was serve mother. He...
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Let The Ships Sail (FNAF Oneshots), de lillyfroo
Let The Ships Sail (FNAF Oneshots)
A book full of Five Nights At Freddy's oneshot shippings. I don't care if I don't ship it - you request, I wr...
ranking #55 em fivenights Ver todos os rankings
Dreams (Frexy), de lillyfroo
Dreams (Frexy)
Foxy has been dreaming about it for a while. What, you may ask? Well, the very thing he wants. A kiss from hi...
ranking #475 em foxy Ver todos os rankings
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