This Feeling

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"Okay, everything's set! Now, who's gonna go get her?" Rainbow Dash asked. The other ponies looked around the room at eachother.

"Umm, well, Pinkie was acting a little strange earlier. So, if it's okay with you guys, I'd like to stay." Fluttershy said.

"Well ah don't wanna git her. She got really darn close to figurin' out ah was lyin' before." Applejack threw in.

Rainbow sighed. "I guess I'll g-"

"It's okay Rainbow. I'll go." Twilight cut in, "With how weird she's been acting today, I'm more than likely going to have to use force, and with my magic it'll be pretty easy."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Okay, Twilight. Go get her then."

Twilight left Applejack's barn and headed for sugarcube corner. When she arrived she approched the door and knocked a few times. "Hello? Pinkie Pie?" Twilight was not prepared for what she was about to see. Pinkie was sitting at her table with several objects. She was walking around them and moving them with her hooves, while giving them voices. Twilight also noticed that Pinkie's hair was no longer it's usual poofy self. It was now straight.

Twilight again knocked on her door, and opened it. "Pinkie? What in the wide world of Equestria are you doing?"

Pinkie looked at Twilight, angrily. "Oh, it's you! One of my EX-friends." Pinkie said, putting a huge amount of emphasis on the "ex".

"What do you mean 'ex'?" Twilight said, genuinely confused.

Pinkie looked taken back."Had Twilight really not understood what she meant? After all, it was Twilight and the rest of her "friends" that all came up with excuses to avoid her and her parties."

"What I mean, Twilight, is that you ponies have bean avoiding me all day!" As Pinkie yelled, tears started to gather in her eyes, and her voice started to crack and quiver. "All you guys did all day was think of excuses to get rid of me! How could I think we were friends anymore?!" Pinkie finished, now fully crying.

Twilight felt horrible. She hadn't realized that minor excuses to make the party they had planned more of a surprise could hurt the pink pony so badly. "I'm really sorry, Pinkie. We didn't mean anything by it, we just had something planned, and now we want you to be a part of it." Twilight told Pinkie.

"No! You guys aren't my real friends! Not anymore" Pinkie yelled, still crying.

Twilight thought for a second"How can I prove to Pinkie that we're still friends?"Twilight thought. Twilight had just remembered a book that she had read not too long ago. The book was a little weird and it had ponies doing odd (and kinda embarrassing, for some reason) things to each other, but the book strictly said that "you should only do those things to a pony that you love." It was perfect! If Twilight did those things to Pinkie Pie, she would have to know that Twilight still loved her.

"Okay Pinkie, if you don't believe me, Then I'll just have to prove it to you!" Twilight said, confidently.

This is actually my first clopfic for twipie so if you see any mistakes tell me or if you like the story please give it a fav thanx

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